Chapter 259

The look on Jayden's face changed immediately. His smile stiffened up, but he kept it on. Warmly, he said, "Yes. We've been out of touch these few years, but we were good friends."

"I see." Jennifer nodded. She then tilted her head to the side and smiled while muttering, "It's been a few eventful years. Kathy's been out of touch with a lot of her old friends. I don't mind them meeting up occasionally. Everyone's living their own lives now, and they can share some stories." She looked like she was reminded of something, and then she asked, "Oh, Jayden, are you married?"

The question caught him by surprise. It took him a while to react, and he shook his head. "I'm not."

"Do you have a girlfriend, then?"

Jayden shook his head. "No."

"Huh?" Jennifer put on a look of surprise. "Oh, but you're so handsome. You must be a ladies' man, and yet you're still single?"

Jayden turned his gaze to Katherine instinctively. Something shone within his eyes, and he turned his attention back to Jennifer.

"Mrs. Olsen, actually—"

happily interrupted, "Jayden, if you're still single, I can match

quickly waved his hands. "It's alright,

with a smile, "We can't force a relationship. I'd like to go with the flow,

had seen a lot in her life. She had overheard the conversation between Jayden and Joaquin before

same time, she wanted to

the lady feels the same about you. If she doesn't harbor any feelings for you, your efforts will be for nothing. And even if you wish to woo a lady, you need to make sure you aren't hurting anyone. If

word, and Jayden's face

Then she turned around and held Katherine's hand, patting it. "But you got one part right. You can't force a relationship. You have to go with

this? Katherine

be together. They ran into each other five years ago by chance, and now they're married because

Grandma, you're embarrassing me!

the ball into his court. "Don't you

friendlier than usual. She's trying to help me out, eh? A smile curled his lips. Right in front of Jayden, Joaquin gave Katherine a loving look, and his smile broadened. "Jennifer's right. Fate works in magical ways. My fate has been intertwined with Kathy's since a long time ago. I'm honored that I can raise a family with her. And I'm blessed." He enunciated every

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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