Chapter 268

"Grandma, this is…"

Katherine looked slightly shocked and her eyes were filled with doubt as she stared at the parchment scroll.

Jennifer, on the other hand, remained silent. She lowered her head and gazed at the parchment scroll, feeling nostalgic. Her wrinkled hands rubbed the scroll gently for a few moments before she let out a faint sigh.

"This was passed down to me by my mother, your great-grandmother. It contains information on how to stop and curb the man-faced curse, as well as prevent it from spreading. I am passing this on to you because the situation is critical. This is the only thing your great-grandmother left behind when she died, so please treat it with care."

While Jennifer spoke, she took Katherine's hand in hers and handed her the parchment scroll, finishing with a gentle pat.

Katherine's gaze froze as she stared at the parchment scroll. Instead of being comforted, her doubts increased.

"How did great-grandmother get this, Grandma?"

Jennifer coughed several times and heaved a long breath, looking sentimental as she reflected on the past.

"Your great-grandmother was also a genius doctor in the past. Her abilities were exceptional and she could even save those on the verge of death. She became intrigued after hearing rumors about the man-faced curse. Later, she learned that the Scott-Tutton Family had some unclear ties to such a curse, and that was why she married your great-grandfather. Using her extraordinary medical abilities running in her genes, she conducted an in-depth study on the man-faced curse and eventually understood it thoroughly. Because of the serious nature and the dire consequences it would bring, your great-grandmother was afraid that something would happen in the future that no one would know how to deal with, and she was also afraid that the information and the methods for dealing with such a curse would be lost with time, so she drew up such a scroll herself."

Katherine had never imagined her ancestor would have such a history. Her brows were raised slightly and her face was filled with admiration for this great-grandmother she had never met.

Despite this, she was still hesitant to leave Jennifer.

"Grandma, I need to see you recover with my own eyes. Since we now have this scroll containing the methods to save the Frasers, we can give it to Marcus so that he can try to buy more time for the Frasers' lives, and I can go there a few days later..."

When Jennifer heard that, she immediately put on an angry act and reprimanded, "How could you say such a thing? This is our ancestors' scroll, which is only known to our family. How could you possibly let someone else have it?"

this. However, to her, Jennifer was simply

she cared about,

grandmother, Katherine brought out the big guns, which meant she

last time she did this. To the outsider, she appeared distant and aloof, always

when she was in front of her grandmother did she

too. However, she understood that she needed to let go of Katherine for the latter to do what

this way! You have to go no matter what. Lives are at stake here! You cannot let those lives be sacrificed solely because of your selfishness! Your great-grandmother personally drew this scroll because she did not want future

lips pursed, Katherine let go

standing nearby, quickly chimed in to lighten the

worry, Kathy. Grandma will be fine since she is taking the pills you prescribed. When we arrive in

warm gaze, he looked at Jennifer and said, "Kathy rarely behaves in this manner, Grandma. It is all thanks to you I have the privilege of witnessing her coquettish side today. Take good

the moment she heard his words. "Are you going too?" she raised her gaze

leaving you alone? I have to stay by your side," Joaquin responded rightfully while

words. "But you just had surgery and are still recovering. You

her hand and placed it in his

benefit, not yours. I will panic if I am not by your side, so please don't turn

it with such tenderness that Katherine began to hesitate, but before she

I'll feel more secure if you are with Kathy, Joaquin. I'm sure Kathy will take good

as he murmured, "Not at all. It will only be hard on me if

the issue was

knew she couldn't win. As such, she had no choice but to go with what they had

end, she and Joaquin then returned to pack their belongings before boarding

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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