Chapter 282

"You're Katherine Cornell?" Myles' tone was unfriendly.

Patricia's brows furrowed tightly as she scolded, "Myles, behave! Straighten up your attitude. Miss Cornell is your savior. "

He snorted. "And did I ask her to do so? Besides, thanks to her rusty medical skills, I'm still feeling pain all over my body. How is she my savior? She shouldn't have butt her nose in when she couldn't. Savior, my *ss."

"Myles!" Patricia's expression was gloomy.

Joaquin's mood was no less different as well. Narrowing his eyes, he took a step forward instinctively, but Katherine held his hand before he could vent his anger.

Quietly, she motioned him to stay calm and turned to Myles, sizing the man up. "You feel pain all over your body?"

He gave her an eye roll. "Yeah. Didn't you hear me?"

"Be precise. Where and how does it hurt?" she questioned, ignoring his attitude.

However, he showed contempt instead of answering the questions. "Enough. Stop the act, you lowly doctor." He then continued with his 'interrogation'. "Tell me. What have you done to my sister?"

she was absorbed in her thoughts, whereas Cyndi's visage became bolder now that someone took her side. She feigned grievance and put on such an act that even

a hat. "Unintentional? Spill the details, Cyndi. It has already happened, so we can't just let it slide. I'm on your side. Let's

awe about how nice Joe is. He's been taking care of us, but Miss Cornell became upset in split seconds. I don't know why. I just wanted to talk to her, but she

heard that. She hurriedly pulled Cyndi's sleeves in an attempt to prevent things from going out of hand. Still, Cyndi paid no heed to the

indeed a lowly scheme that even Katherine burst into laughter

that, Myles frowned before his speech became acrimonious. "What's so funny about this? You pushed

to yank Katherine from her seat, but she did not budge an

not put up with this ridicule anymore. Standing right in front of Katherine, he coldly stared at Myles with an icy

wavered in the face of his confrontation,

you're from Hovington. You have nothing to be proud of, dude. It's your honor that Cyndi falls for you, and look at this green-eyed

yet the lump in her throat rendered it impossible. Anger piled up in her, but she had nowhere to vent it. Clenching her teeth, she stood before Katherine and Joaquin

outsiders' side? What's there to worry

to know the truth. I can make you sit in a wheelchair for the

blurt such straightforward words, which stunned Myles. It was not because of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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