Chapter 284

The next day, Katherine slept to her heart's desire and woke up close to noon. She was fully awake after realizing that the side of the bed was empty, and her groggy eyes were finally in focus.

She got out of bed without slippers and walked on the plush carpet until she reached the windows. Subsequently, she pulled apart the curtains.

Almost immediately, the eye-blinding sunlight poured into the room through the French windows, causing her to squint. Soaking in the sunlight, she savored the warmth.

Marcus, her sensible aide, must have known that she had no plans to leave Kyoland yet. Therefore, he added more days to her hotel presidential suite reservation so that she could enjoy a worry-free stay.

The hotel was located in the busiest district in Kyoland. She stood on a high floor and took in the view of the city beneath her. The roads were humming and buzzing with traffic and crowds.

At that moment, Joaquin opened the door and entered. "You're up?"

She turned around and saw his lanky body leaning lazily against the doorframe. It was a great picture, specially enhanced by his great looks.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Any food? I'm famished."

He raised a brow. "I've prepared breakfast for you. Come on."

She walked to the tiny kitchen attached to the presidential suite and saw a hearty spread on the bar table. "Did you prepare all these?"

if not me? There's no other person in this room."

was about to have breakfast with her, she blinked in surprise. "You haven't

in a matter-of-fact tone, "Yeah.

not change much, but her heart was filled with

the door. Assuming it was the hotel staff performing room service, she wanted

Then, he headed

to having breakfast without much thought, but soon, she was interrupted by

door and found two more visitors apart from Theodore. There stood Zak, the man she saved from the grim

of surprise, she composed herself and greeted the professor. She merely glanced at

her, sounding like an old friend. "Kathy, we haven't seen each other for a while now." His

look at that man who casually called Katherine's nickname, but he did not make any comment about it. He knew that the three visitors came all this way for her. Hence, he

and was informed that you are staying here," Theodore greeted

him. "I'm done with work. I'll

Cornell, I am grateful for your kindness and skills that saved me from death. I didn't have a chance to thank you before. Today's visit was a little rushed, and I didn't bring any gifts for you. I promise to hold a dinner, which I hope you'll attend. I shall be the host to you

well. I am beyond words! You are the hero of our family. Miss Cornell, if there is anything you need, just

look. "Zak,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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