Chapter 310

Xander suddenly coughed and his face turned dark.

Katherine, on the other hand, acted like she didn't see that. Standing in front of the funeral hall with her tall slender figure, she curved her lips up mockingly and raised her beautiful eyes that were filled with coldness slightly.

"My grandma told me that in Kyoland, there's a fly called the Moran Family. They shamelessly pester and disturb her. But she's too nice and didn't want to cause a scene, so she had always been tolerating them. I, however, am different. What I hate the most is being pestered by people and I don't have the best patience. So, if you're not going to leave today and insist on looking for trouble, then don't blame me for being rude."

She drawled out the words steadily and calmly, but in the ears of the members of the Moran Family, it felt like an invisible pressure had fallen on them.

Xander gritted his teeth as a cloud of darkness swept over his wrinkly face, and his eyes were filled with menace.

"Fine, you foolish girl. Since you refuse to listen, then don't blame me for not holding back! You want us to leave? Sure. You just need to hand over the secret scroll your grandma left behind and we'll leave immediately and not pester you anymore!"

When Katherine heard the words 'secret scroll' being mentioned, anger flashed in her eyes as her aura dropped in temperature so much that it could make ice.

Ha! These people finally couldn't hold back and showed their true colors!

She didn't reply immediately, but the look on her face changed slightly. It wasn't an expression of anger, but it seemed like she didn't understand what he said as she furrowed her brow with a questioning look.

"Secret scroll? What secret scroll? Are you out of your mind? It's not uncommon for people to get hazy in their minds when they become older. You should go visit a doctor soon. Don't wait until dementia catches up on you. Then, it'll be too late."

Xander's face was as black as coal as he pulled a long face.

thin wall

Now that she's dead, how could she not pass it down to you? Are you trying to fool us? In your dreams! I'm warning you to hand it over while

away Mason's hand before she could respond. His eyes were as still

top of his palate. "Make things tough? Ha! We'll see who will make things

hold back his strength and Mason wasn't expecting

the sides, immediately helped steady him and

you doing? We're here to take back what belongs to the Moran Family! There's nothing wrong with that. Are you trying to keep it for yourself if you're


Family. Since when did it belong to the Moran Family? Who's the one trying to keep it for themselves here? So, what is it now? You even brought your whole entourage here. Are you trying to take it by force? Aren't you afraid of tarnishing your family's reputation when word gets out and

was nonchalant

Moran when she took refuge in the Moran Family back then. So, the

she owned. You revealed your true colors when she didn't want to hand it over. That was why she cut off ties with the Moran Family! Ha! I don't mind telling you that the secret scroll is indeed in my

forced to deal with these people from the Moran Family, her patience was

grandma's funeral. The last thing she wanted was for something to happen in front of the funeral hall. So, she wanted to get rid of these people as soon as

had seen how shameless they could be, she knew that they would not leave until they got their hands on the secret

from the Moran Family noticed Katherine's change in attitude and their

me for ruining your grandma's funeral hall. I hope that she'll suffer in

the place! Flip this place inside out if you have to and look for the secret scroll. If you can't find it, smash the place. If you still can't find

stepped forward

dilated instantly at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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