Chapter 389 Keeping an Eye

Wale was the most trusted scientist in Lab X, and he was also the most talented one.

Hansel felt numb, his heart palpitating. He gulped and nervously said, "Sir, two weeks is a bit too fast. If the medicine doesn't work, your plan will fail. That won't be good, so why don't you give him more ti—"

Jayden shot him a withering glare. If looks could kill, Hansel would be dead. "You talk like you're the boss here."

Hansel felt all air sucked out of his surroundings. He stopped talking and cleared his throat. "I-I'm not. You're the boss here, sir."

"Then shut it." Jayden's eyes went wide, and he roared, "Tell Wale to start working on what I want right now!"

"Yes, sir," said Hansel with a trembling voice, then he quickly made a call.

Joaquin and Katherine had boarded their private jet and were ready to fly to Kyoland. While on the jet, Katherine stared out the window, where the clouds fluttered, and thoughts raced in her mind.

"What are you thinking?" Joaquin took a blanket and draped it over her legs.

Katherine turned around to look him in the eye. A moment of silence later, she leaned her head on the back of her seat and looked up. "I was just wondering what Grandpa left in the ancestral hall. So many people want it. So many people will kill for it. What did Grandpa do when he was alive? Honestly, I don't remember much about him, and Grandma barely brought him up."

idea, but we are in no hurry. You can uncover the secret once you're in

eyes and said nothing more. A few hours later, they finally landed in

they disembarked, Jeremy was already waiting for them. "You must be exhausted. The car's ready. It's right ahead, so let's go." Once

held Katherine's hand, then they went to the car. Jeremy stared at them, feeling jealous. Man, they're so loving. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a partner. Me and

"So you wanna go now or do you want

thought. "We'll get some rest." The flight exhausted her, and too many things had happened lately. She could delay the trip to the ancestral hall. For now, she needed

Joaquin did what she wanted, and he said, "To

"Yes, sir," said Jeremy.

Katherine asked, "Silver

for a bit. Forgot

he was, Katherine blinked. "You have an estate here?

Gardens were located in northern Kyoland, and it was surrounded by villas. Every villa had a bit of

of the car, Katherine looked around. "Oh, I remember Gray Residence is somewhere around here. Can't believe


Katherine chuckled. "Well, let's go


and the couple went inside. At the same time, a car was standing outside the villa, and someone rolled its window

was Katherine?" He has a husky but energetic voice not unlike

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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