The wall in front of me lit up and it was me, for all practical purposes with no hair. I screamed into the air mask and struggled in my bonds. For some reason it seemed like shaving me bare would be the worst thing they could possibly do. Obviously I knew that was just the beginning.

The dark haired man turned around and watched me struggling. His face was rough with stubble and his short black hair framed his face. He raised a dark eyebrow and said something. Long hair jumped up on my platform behind me. I felt him grab my long brown hair and wrap it around his fist. He twisted my head to and fro talking to his friends.

He jumped down and leaned casually on my platform smirking up at me.

The tentacle lady hit a switch and the me on the wall was now just Like I was, hair and all. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. Suddenly, I realized it had come out. The air mask on my face was gone.

The men spoke to the lady in a Language I couldn’t understand. Dark hair continued to watch me intermittently. I wasn’t really upset when the me on the wall had her leg, groin, stomach, and underarm hair removed.

A lanky quiet man pointed to his breast plate and addressed the group.

design on it. In fact, they all wore the same

beard stroked the other foot as they talked.

to the room from the side door. They looked Like they were made of jelly. Again, the urge to throw up

captors at their level. The men were enormous, the shortest was probably six foot something.

creatures were on the platform now and I

to engulf my Legs, my panicked screaming filled the room.

hair removed in certain places and it is being done. They have paid to have an

dumped an alien language into my brain. I was vaguely aware that the table moved up as I moved down until I was Laying flat at the level of the Lady’s tentacle. It felt like I had had too much to drink. Slowly the words being spoken around me started to make sense. There wasn’t time to marvel at it,

what looked like a silver pen Light and pressed it to my arm. I winced as a slight burn

was that?” the Lanky guy asked

the slave’s health,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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