I looked out at the dark water and shook my head back and forth. I wasn’t going into that again. I’d spent enough time in the ocean for a long time.

“If we catch you before you reach the other side, Ciara,” Master Kein said. “We’ll put this into you and hold you under until you aren’t afraid anymore,” he said holding up a slimy squid like creature that writhed in his grip.

“It will breath for you, Ciara. You won’t drown and you’ll get over your fear,” Master Bane added happily.

I remembered the feeling of something slipping down my throat and into my nose. The thing Master Kein was holding had multiple slimy tendrils off its main body. I was torn now, I hated that thing and I was still terrified of the water. Master Evan stepped toward me with a wicked grin on his face and I was decided.

The water closed over my head and I had a moment of panic. Quickly righting myself I swam toward the far wall. Far behind me, I heard splashing as the men hit the water. Adrenaline kicked into high gear as I sped away from them.

The rough stone had just touched my fingers when I felt a hand wrap around my leg. I was dragged back from the wall and water rushed up my nose. Sputtering and coughing out the salty water I yelled at them.

touched the wall! I made it! You promised you wouldn’t

promise?” Master Damien asked playfully while treading water in front of me. His brothers

was really a promise,” Master Bane said,

underwater and stay as long as I can

I plunged beneath the surface. I had to hold onto

up for air, I saw the funny yellow fish I Liked to chase. I watched them so long

Angela’s Library

watch the little yellow fish,”

swim; it was fascinating. He didn’t kick Like I did with two feet. His body undulated

me. A little yellow fish was

and marveled at it. Once I was done, Master Evan released it and I watched

Master Evan and then gasped. “I’m sorry, Masters, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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