They had been very blunt with me. My fake owners did not ever see Master Damien and his Brothers. They passed messages to one another. If I got my them in trouble they would sell me, Master Damien could not stop it.

“I missed earth,” I lied. “I was anxious. My owners would not let me out until I calmed some.”

“Ah,” Rose said satisfied, “it happens to many of us, the realization you will never leave can cause great distress. I’m sure changing owners made it worse for you.”

“Yes,” I nodded.

From days of Laying in the box, I was weak. My friends helped me inside and decided I needed to do something. They brought the drums over and asked me to play. It took an amazing amount of energy to tap the familiar rhythms on the drums.

“You seem…strange,” Fuji said. “You have no strength.”

I told her, “they kept me

cycles, Ciara,” Rose said. “How much of that time was in the

Angela’s Library

her, but

be active to get your strength back,” she told me. “Come with

Rose. We just paced the compound. My balance got better and I got

we were on the wrong side of the compound. I’d

told Rose and

slaves by the time I made it. I moved as quickly as

him what was wrong with me. He

trained,” Basin hissed. “I’m not sure why Damien chose your family.

regular dismissive tone. “No one needs

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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