The dark was frightening, being alone in it was terrifying. I needed them close to me.

“I can’t,” he told me.

“I can’t do it again. It’s too hard. We cannot live like this, let us die.”

“No, we stay together,” I said pushing him to sit in the Lamplight.

“They won’t let us stay together,” he said drifting away into the dark.

“They will take you away again. We cannot survive and you did not come.”

My arms became huge in the dream. I hugged them together and pulled them all to my chest. They couldn’t escape back into the blackness. I would make them stay in the Light with me.

wanted to be together with me so badly and I had not come. They had waited and then they had decided to

to get back to my compound to check on me, but Nu-reeh had stopped them.

to be here only,” she’d

transport back when your free days are over. You cannot

G E L A ‘s L I B R A R

in. They were sure something had happened to me. Their family was ripped and torn, never to be whole again. The anger had taken

me and hurt them, but it would take a long time. They were too weak to hold their family together. I could be

shaking. Master Christof was shivering behind me

looked at Master Christof he had had the same dream. We all had. The weight of their misery hung around me and

six of us. I understood the anticipation suddenly, whispered memories told me how they had waited for me at the cabin. We had four days again, but I never came and they couldn’t

she came to get them and brought them here. She tried to help them, but there was nothing she could do. They whispered my name to her.

said, “you are not like us. You are not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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