Jonathan yawned in my arms and stretched, laying his head against my shoulder. “He couldn’t go with me,” I said sadly watching my boy, neither could Hannah or Kennedy.

My children would be alien monsters on Earth. They didn’t look human and could never pass for it. I thought of the movie, “Starman”, where the government had hunted down and killed the first ambassador from another civilization. My children could not even claim diplomatic immunity. They’d be poked and prodded and kept in cages. Their freedom would be much more Limited than mine was here.

Damien and his Brothers obviously couldn’t go either, they would be treated as foreign invaders. If I left, I did so without my family.

“Think on it, Rachel,” Tosu said softly.

“One day you will be given the option.”

Clattering talons announced Dinah had come to help Tosu move me and the two little ones down the incline. I composed my features and allowed myself to be lifted and moved down.

got to come out here when Evan showed him the moons. He scrambled

with my friends and family. Tosu and Dinah walked us all to

advised me, “after the little ones have fed after moon set move them out into the room with the pool. We

carried him into the large outer room. Jonathan gripped my skirt and walked beside us. He

he demanded loudly pulling insistently

have heard him and came out to greet us. They stood still when they saw

late and Aiden is tired. Come and have

the floor. He screamed and his stripes became dark and prominent. The upset seemed

when it became apparent what was happening. “Enough, young ones,” he said firmly, “we will eat our meal and then

voice soothed both boys and they looked up at the older

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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