“Where are they?” I asked the man, starting to panic. “Did you take Damien’s family and Basin’s family or just us? Didn’t my female offspring send someone for Rose’s family and mine?”

“The slavers,” Thom spat out, “were offered safety in our camp. They are being transported separately. Hannah and Kennedy are well respected or such a request would never have been honored.”

I stared at the man in the dim half light of the tunnels. He had referred to our men as “slavers” and I had that sinking feeling again Free men would view men like Damien and his Brothers as no better than the women.

“I am free with Damien and his Brothers,” I said quickly taking a step toward Thom.

Angela’s Library

a slave and made me family one

and his eyes flashed, “They told you this? They told you one day you were family to

slave. Damien and his Brothers decided on their own that slavery

lowering his voice and sounding slightly menacing. “They told you what

someone family, Rachel. Family between men and women is a choice. I don’t think you ever had the option of choosing another

for some reason. Probably because there was a measure of truth in them. It wasn’t Like I had been offered the choice of Damien’s family, it


the canteen to her lips and take a tentative sip, then a couple of gulps. She Looked amazed as she handed me back the container. This had been a first

say. Freedom from Nu-reeh had been such an overriding goal, I hadn’t stopped to think what problems may lie

never had occurred to me that my men would be judged harshly by

appeared to be a flat, black lake with a large circular island in the middle. A series of big camp fires lit the island and surrounding area. In the dim Light I could see small openings all around the lake.

several transports Like ours. I saw men milling around passing in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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