Ever since Audrey helped Blair win the lawsuit, many people came to her for their lawsuits. Audrey was busy dealing with the lawsuit and the affairs as a legal consultant in the Cordova Group. Time passed quickly.

This afternoon, Audrey went to the Cordova Group as usual. After handling some matters, she left.

Bryson had gone to another city to sign a contract and won't come back to Peace City until night. Audrey had not seen him.

As soon as she left the Cordova Tower, her phone rang.

Looking at the number on the phone, Audrey immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Maria, what's wrong?"

A cry came from the phone.

"Audrey, Audrey..."

Audrey tensed up her back and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Maria, don't cry. Just say it slowly."

Maria cried for a while and said in a hoarse voice, "Audrey, we lost. We lost the lawsuit. Not only did they not compensate us for our medical expenses, but they accused us of deliberately blackmailing. They asked us for a large number of mental damage fees. We don't know how they got the evidence, and the judge sentenced us to lose the lawsuit on the spot."

Sure enough, the lawsuit had lost.

Audrey had been worried about this case all the time.

"Maria, where are you now?"

"I'm outside the court."

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be right there."



At night.

of an alley in

got out of


the skinny man

plastic bag in his hand, the skinny man said with dissatisfaction, "Didn't we agree that as long as I sell you all the evidence of the Brown family, you will give me two hundred thousand

could I reverse the lawsuit? I even don't want to

he spoke, the man reached out

course. A hundred

the money and leave

"I know, I know."

skinny man quickly left

at the entrance of the alley, the man in a

money and was ready to take a taxi

beside him and snatched

to chase. However, the person did not run away. Instead,


pants, and a pair of white canvas shoes. It was late in the night,

skinny man with a

a small amount. It is enough to buy your professional ethics as a lawyer. Such ethics

out to snatch the bag from Audrey.

things!" The man said

smiled and looked at him, "Nick, why not call it over? If it is answered, it belongs to you and I will return

Nick was dark-faced.

seemed to encounter a

the money. I can give you

looked at

teeth, "Then ... I'll give you twenty thousand

tittered, but she still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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