Chapter 105 Held Hostage by Kynlee

The voice of “Darlene” could not be more familiar. It was Avery’s voice.

Darlene turned her back to the person behind her and stopped in her tracks. Her back felt cold and her body stiffened.

She had been very cautious all the way here. After confirming that there was no car following her, she thought about the phone call to Aleena.

Aleena could not have sent a message to Avery, but there was no doubt that Avery could find this place so quickly because of the phone call.

There was no time to regret. Darlene quickly came back to her senses. She did not turn. around to look at the person behind her. She directly walked forward in a hurry and squeezed her way into the group in a panic.

She could not be taken away by him. She did not want him anymore. She could only gambled on he having no guts to really hurt her grandmother.

The people behind her immediately followed. Avery’s voice went deep. “Darlene, is your grandmother not important in your eyes? The old woman will probably get emotional even if I don’t threaten her.”

Behind her, Reina struggled to raise her voice. “Darlene, don’t worry about me. Hurry up and leave! Find Nigel and take good care of him. Grandma is old. My life is not worth much. Don’t drag yourself down for me!”

Darlene’s hand was trembling, and her footsteps became more and more hurried.

Don’t go with him anymore. I don’t ever want to.

In the past, Avery had her younger brother. Now, he had her grandmother. The days when she was threatened by him were endless. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. She really didn’t want to continue.

When the word “Nigel” came, she felt a sharp pain in her heart and her eyes turned red.

Nigel died, but her grandmother still didn’t know about it and kept repeating it like


Avery came in a hurry. Not to mention the police, he didn’t even bring a bodyguard. He directly asked Cyrus to drive the car and they rushed over.

Cyrus still controlled Reina, so Avery could only chase after Darlene with a gloomy look.

The more Darlene ran, the more anxious she became, and her breathing became rushed. Only then did she realize that she had run too fast and had run in the wrong direction.

She was running towards the station, and she was getting further and further away from the exit, so she could not run out.

with her. She took a deep

idea of giving up. If she really couldn’t get out, she would go to the third floor and threaten

live long anyway. She the cheque for 850 thousand

gave Aleena

would be enough for her grandmother to live

that money always made her feel a little

about it now.

already late at night, and there were very few commuters at

gathered on the first floor, and almost all of them had just arrived at

get out.

second floor, she bumped into a person on the stairs. She said

a panic and wanted

into seemed to be deliberately stopping Darlene. She

against Darlene’s neck. Darlene looked up and met a pair of eyes that always appeared in dreams.

since she left prison, she often had nightmares. She dreamed of Kynlee’s fierce eyes in

front of Darlene and the dagger in her hand was tightly pressed

strong. Kynlee held the knife against Darlene’s neck and pulled her shoulder, making Darlene

of hurried footsteps came from downstairs, followed by

raising her voice, “Mr. Gallard, are you

and looked over, his expression

and sneered, “It’s you. You are wanted all around the country, and you still have

hand tightened a little. “I not only have the guts to come back but also have

to you.”

as he took a step closer, “Kynlee, you are too naive. Now that things have come to this,

prison. After you were released from prison, you disguised yourself as a mobile repair shop employee and continued to

that something had happened to Darlene. You hit Nigel on

paused slightly. “Do you think it’s possible that

by Mr. Gallard?” Kynlee

of time. I only have one niece. She has been raised like my daughter since she was young. If you don’t let her go,

Avery and lowered his voice. “Sir, a call came

Sheridan ran out and we did not

said in a deep voice, “Try to find her and bring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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