Chapter 211 Kynlee Works for You

The officer picked up the phone and quickly received some photos and videos.

On the screen, the truck obviously did not lose control, but it deliberately crashed into Gustave’s car.

After the accident, the truck did not leave immediately, and the driver got out of the car and quickly walked to Gustave’s car. He glanced through the window.

Back then, the head of the truck directly broke through the front glass of Gustave’s car, and the driver of the car was seriously injured.

The woman who got out of the truck wore a mask and gloves. She reached her hand into the car through the broken glass and checked the driver’s breath.

At that time, Arthur was already dead, and the woman seemed to want to check Gustave and Darlene’s condition in the back seat.

But because the car was locked, the doors of the back seat could not be opened. She only looked at them through the window.

Darlene had been unconscious for a short time, and Gustave’s head was also covered in blood. He seemed to be out of breath.

After a moment of hesitation, the woman quickly returned to the truck and left.

The photos and videos that the police had received weren’t clear enough, but the key parts were clearly taken.

The most important photo showed a scar on the back of the murderer’s neck.

who had just been arrested, had exactly the same scar on

as her eyes and facial features, it could be said that the

noticed these details and said in a low voice, “Tom, Kynlee has escaped from

called Darnell and told him that he might have found the murderer and asked him

murderer came down from the truck at that time. Darlene, who was the least injured, maybe saw the murderer’s face for a

he asked other police officers to take Kynlee away first. Then he continued to speak,

early in the morning that day. When she saw the

possible for most people to take a walk outside before seven in the morning in winter when the snow outside has not melted. Moreover, that place

it might be that they failed

“It makes sense. Besides, normal people who witnessed such a car accident should be a little frightened

to get close to the murderer who got off the truck. It seems that when

of something and turned around. “Where is the woman who called us over

the woman calling the police, they wouldn’t have caught

was just like the anonymous person who provided the evidence. Something

the woman who had just accused Kynlee of the

that the woman who had

was filled with cars, and there were fire exits, elevators, and exits for vehicles to leave everywhere. There were

asked a policeman to find her when Darnell quickly brought Darlene

and C*ssius

by one policeman, and a trace of disbelief appeared

looked at Tom again. “Wasn’t Kynlee arrested by the police long ago?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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