Chapter 152 It Is Time to Come to an End

up for. Avery never felt that there was anything that could not be made.

Avery added, “Isn’t there a list of the press? Contact them directly and ask them to delete all the relevant press releases.”

Although much of the news posted on the Internet was released anonymously, Avery knew exactly which media outlets were involved.

Cyrus said in a bad tone, “Even if we retract the stories of the first few media outlets, there are still countless netizens and anonymous users who have reposted and copied the contents of the news. Moreover, those things are almost well–known online.

“If we withdraw the news at this time, not only will it not help, but it may also backfire, giving the impression that it is a deliberate attempt to cover things up.

“It is like throwing a handful of sand into the sea. When the wind blows, the water rushes, and it is impossible to take back all the things that have been thrown out.”

Although Cyrus only worked for Avery, he had stayed in the Gallard’s place for so many years and his impression of Darlene was not bad.

During the two years when Darlene was married to Avery, she had never treated anyone in the Southwood Villa unfairly.

At that time, Darlene still had work to do and had some money in her hands. Avery had a bad temper. Sometimes, when he lost his temper and scolded the servants, she would secretly give the servants some money and say that it was compensation from Avery.

Cyrus thought, that kind little girl is good to everyone and always thinks for others, but

in the end, she is the only one who suffers.

When Darlene was bullied by Avery wrongly, none of the servants who had benefited from her in the Southwood Villa stood up for her.

Darlene’s faint cries from the ward could still be heard. Avery sat silently in the corridor and took out a cigarette, wanting to light it up.

Cyrus reminded Avery from the side, “Mr. Gallard, you can’t smoke in the hospital. There are many patients in the corridor at this time.”

Avery was in a very bad mood. He raised his eyes and glanced at Cyrus, probably

wanting to lose his temper.

Cyrus was already prepared to be scolded, but Avery did not say anything. Avery put away the cigarette and sat in the chair without saying a word.

Darlene’s cry stopped inside. Perhaps it was because Avery sat on the chair a little far

from the door of the ward that he could not hear her cry.


his fists and pressed them against the edge of the

heart that matched Darlene was nowhere to be found. With so little time left, Avery really didn’t know what he could do.

he did nothing and just waited, Darlene would not take the initiative to return to

would always hallucinate over and over again, feeling that

hallucination that Darlene suddenly fell ill, lying on the

said to him, “I’m sorry, the patient is gone. Sorry


red. Suddenly, he raised his eyes and stared at the closed door of the ward. “But I have to take you with me. How can I rest assured

thought, if I cannot look at Darlene from time to time, what can I

her death comes?

Darlene by his side, she would definitely not die and there would definitely be

ward, Darlene

her, “When the divorce case is over, I will take you abroad. While looking for a match, we can

an artificial heart transplant.

you. You can

There will be no trouble and no one will disturb have a good rest and live a peaceful life with your grandmother and brother.”

out and took the water.

down beside Darlene. “Aurora, trust me. Everything

the more they will be bullied. I will gather enough evidence to ensure that you get a

loose and took a cotton swab from the drawer to help her stop the bleeding. “I’ll call

In addition to the blood,


in the hospital during this period of time, and there were too many needle eyes on

Darlene knew in her heart that it was

dazed. “I don’t want to stay in the hospital anymore. I don’t like it here.”

smell of disinfectant were

a dying person.

for a moment. He did not try to persuade Darlene and nodded. “Okay, I will take you home. You will feel more comfortable at home. If you feel better, you can

took Darlene out of the hospital that

asked Darnell to

and Avery had broken down, and the

Villa was Avery’s, and the hospital Darlene stayed in

to the Gallard Group. It was not easy to find the

Gustave brought Darlene back, Darnell called, “Mr. Walpole, it is not easy to get the evidence.

and it’s not looking good for you. The board is about to meet to elect

was seated beside him, she subconsciously listened to what Darnell said on the other side of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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