Chapter 144 She Forgets It

Darlene did not hesitate for a moment. There was even some urgency in her voice. I have nothing to say to him.

She was trying to control her emotions, but she was obviously in a hurry to explain. I don’t have a home, and his place is not my home, so it’s not going back.

Gustave nodded. Alright, just think about it yourself. I heard from the servants that


didn’t eat much for dinner. I cooked some snacks downstairs. Why don’t we eat some together? Then you can take the medicine.

Darlene was still holding the medicine in her hand, and she looked very embarrassed.

She had just lived here when Avery came to her door. She didn’t know how the convention was after that, but she felt that it had caused a lot of trouble for Gustave.

The hand holding the medicine curled up. She shook her head. I’m not very hungry, so I won’t eat. Thank you, Mr. Walpole, for your kind intentions.

Gustave looked at her. He was dressed in a black nightgown. His back was leaning against the door. In comparison, Darlene was too reserved. Even her body stood.


When he stared at her, Darlene looked even more embarrassed.

Gustave reached out and took the medicine from her hand. Aurora, you don’t have to be so polite to me. Even if we haven’t seen each other for many years, we don’t need to be so polite and distant. I’m a casual person, so you don’t have to be so careful.

Darlene blushed with embarrassment. I’m indeed not hungry.

Let’s go. Eat some. You can’t be hungry with your current body.He helped her

the medicine and turned around to leave.

Darlene could only follow downstairs. She


Could not be as free as Gustave. It was like he

was facing an old friend that he had always known.

But what she could remember was that Gustave had saved her ten years ago in the sea. She vaguely remembered that she started to stay in the orphanage when she was ten years old and had known Gustave for half a year.

However, as for the details of their interactions, she could barely remember them. She

vague impression of them.

had two impressions of Gustave. She knew


chair that had been pulled out for her, “Sit down. The doctor said that you are suitable for light food, so I only made spaghetti and soup.

you want to drink something, soy milk is more beneficial to your body than milk. If you are not used to it, I will change it for

plates of spaghetti on the dining table, two glasses of soy milk, and soup

a mouthful of the spaghetti and swallowed it without thinking. “It’s

and realized that there was probably not much salt in the soup.


also a little burnt, but the egg yolk in the middle was not completely cooked.

in the end, she did not touch

to eat spaghetti.

at the side and picked up the spaghetti. “Is that so? It’s so late that I didn’t ask Kaley to cook. This is the first time I

finish speaking, a mouthful of spaghetti entered his mouth, and the rest of

head and ate the spaghetti even


had just said “delicious“, but now she felt so guilty as if the spaghetti had been cooked by

continued to use

poked open and there was

couldn’t quite understand how Gustave managed to fry the eggs and make the egg yolk

and continued to eat the spaghetti on the plate.


little confused. He stared at the spaghetti and pondered for a long time before reaching out to take the plate in front

spaghetti. She comforted him seriously, “Mr. Walpole, your cooking skills are already very good. Ordinary people can’t fry


For this, she really spent a

the side, could not help but laugh out loud, “Ms. Garcia,

how to

poured the two plates of spaghetti together and let Darnell take them to

word “also” in his words stunned Darlene.

spaghetti in the half year they were in the orphanage.


need anything, I’ll help you,”

the kitchen, indicating for

behind and let out a soft “tsk”

the bush. Is it so difficult

by Gustave’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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