Chapter 72 You Must Tell Me

It was already after midnight, and the entire corridor was deadly silent.

Darlene clenched her fists with increasing force. The nails dug into her palms. When she saw the red light outside the emergency room go out, she immediately got up from the


The emergency room door opened, and a doctor came out. He took off his mask and said, “The patient is out of danger. Don’t worry, she will be out of the emergency room soon and transferred into a ward.

“But the patient is old. Someone must keep an eye on her all the time and her condition should be under observation.”

Darlene heaved a sigh of relief. Her tense body had suddenly relaxed and she was so

tired that she almost fell.

Avery quickly reached out to help her, but his hands were dodged by her.

Darlene reached out to support herself by the wall beside her and repeatedly thanked the doctor, “Thank you so much, doctor.”

Reina was quickly pushed out of the emergency room. Darlene rushed over and grabbed the skinny hand on the bed. Darlene’s eyes were very dry.

“Grandma, do you feel better?”

Reina’s hearing and sight were not very good. Rein stared at Darlene for a while before revealing a smile. “Aurora, you’re here.”

Darlene’s hands were trembling. She nodded and pushed the bed forward. “Yes, I’m here. Grandma, don’t worry. The doctor said that you’re OK.”

After settling down in the ward, the doctor checked again and said that there was no problem for the time being. He told Darlene to be careful and observe the patient’s

condition. Then, he went out.

Reina lay on the bed. Darlene leaned against the bed and squatted. Darlene covered Reina’s hands, trying to warm them.

“Grandma, are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you want a blanket? You just came out of the emergency room. Are you cold?”

and brought a chair over. “Sit

like this.”

over and pressed her face against the back of Reina’s

relationship although Reina was not Darlene’s real grandmother. But they

than a year ago, she had a good relationship with Avery. Because

planned to get Reina back some time ago, but Vivian had just returned to the country, and Teresa

that, things were a mess. Even seeing her grandmother via video chat was a

Her voice was low. “You’re not a child anymore. Why are you still so childish? Avery is right. Get up and sit in the chair.”

and was unwilling to get up. “I’m fine. I haven’t seen you for

looked behind Darlene and said, “Why isn’t Nigel here? Did he go to

before she replied calmly, “He lives at school. He’s now in junior high school and is busy with his homework. He rarely has time to come. back.

“Oh, OK. Homework is

are doing

bed. For some reason, tears

her face against the quilt

her the things

Darlene repeated the same sentence. “Everything is fine. Nigel and I are fine. Grandma, don’t

doesn’t matter if I can live longer. Avery, thank you for what you’ve done. In the

looked at Avery, who was behind Darlene. “Aurora, you have had a hard time since you were a child. Your adoptive parents passed away early and you have to support Nigel. Fortunately, you have

more than two years in the blink of an eye. Avery has always been good to you, right?”

the past, Darlene took care of him. carefully for two years. Even a heartless man should’ve softened.

were married, they must be truly in love and they would be kind to each other. After all, marriage was

the table. “I will pour a glass

her in. “Grandma, don’t worry about this. I’ve said that I’m fine. Don’t worry. It’s

rest. We can talk

ask any more

glass of water and handed it to Darlene from behind. “There’s a straw in the drawer. You can feed

not notice that he had handed over the water. Looking at the glass

she subconsciously got up

he had poured hot water on her back then, for some reason, suddenly became clear at that moment. She took a

He placed the glass of water on the bedside table and did not dare to look at her. “I will go out first.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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