Chapter 156 The Mixture of Red and White

Darlene pulled open the door and rushed out. The north wind whistling outside the court rushed towards her.

Her forehead was still sweating, and the cold wind penetrated her body all of a sudden and sent a shudder through her.

The winter in Baltimore was so cold. It was still early winter, yet she had already felt the bone–piercing coldness.

She looked around, only to see that everything was dead, lifeless, and endless.

She felt as if she had entered a maze and could no longer find a way out.

The pain in her heart overwhelmed her abruptly. She felt cold, but she still wanted to

blow the cold air.

She did not care that the steps outside the court were wet. She sat down directly on one

of the steps.

Just as she managed to stabilize her body, she could no longer control the mouthful of blood stuck in her throat and spat it out.

Half of the blood was vomited on the ground, and the other half spilled over her body.

Her light–colored coat was covered with white snowflakes that were falling from the sky as well as her dazzling scarlet blood.

The mixture of red and white was startling.

She heard footsteps approaching quickly behind her. It was Avery.

He stood behind her and suddenly felt he had no courage to take another step. He

stretched out his hand towards her but dared not touch her again.

He could see nothing but her back. The wind and the first snow of winter enveloped her body like a shadow that was slowly becoming transparent.

She was as thin as a falling snowflake. When the snowflake landed on the ground, it would vanish silently.

Avery counted silently. He thought, how many times have I made a mistake while

Chapter 156 The Mixture of Red and White

Darlene pulled open the door and rushed out. The north wind whistling outside the court rushed towards her.

Her forehead was still sweating, and the cold wind penetrated her body all of a sudden and sent a shudder through her.

The winter in Baltimore was so cold. It was still early winter, yet she had already felt the bone–piercing coldness.

She looked around, only to see that everything was dead, lifeless, and endless.

She felt as if she had entered a maze and could no longer find a way out.

The pain in her heart overwhelmed her abruptly. She felt cold, but she still wanted to blow the cold air.

She did not care that the steps outside the court were wet. She sat down directly on one

of the steps.

Just as she managed to stabilize her body, she could no longer control the mouthful of blood stuck in her throat and spat it out.

Half of the blood was vomited on the ground, and the other half spilled over her body.

Her light–colored coat was covered with white snowflakes that were falling from the sky as well as her dazzling scarlet blood.

mixture of red and white was

behind her.

step. He stretched out his hand towards her but dared not touch

see nothing but her back. The wind and the first snow of winter enveloped her body like a shadow that was slowly becoming transparent.

as a falling snowflake. When the snowflake landed on the ground,

times have I made a mistake while

knowing it?

already lost count. I knew those words would hurt her, and I knew that not divorcing her would make her disappointed

to keeping her by my side, I am unbelievably selfish. I know that there is no turning back now, but I still can’t let

wind blew up her scattered long hair. He suddenly saw a strand of her hair that was stained with

suddenly changed, and he found it hard to breathe. He hurriedly

I’ll take you to

walked in front of her, he found that there was


stain of blood on

her pale face. Her face seemed to be even paler than the falling snow, and there was

and a great sense of guilt and helplessness surged over him. He hurriedly bent

hospital. We’ll

him with dull eyes. She pushed away his outstretched

up, and took a

saw a sad sneer on her face, and that smile made him completely frozen in situ.

desire to be near her as well as his longing

at that moment.

she said, “Avery, it has

do I owe you? Why wouldn’t you just leave me

knowing it?

would make

I am unbelievably selfish. I know that there

her scattered long hair. He suddenly saw a

found it hard to breathe. He hurriedly

you vomit blood? I’ll take you to the hospital.”

her, he found that there was


dazzling stain of blood on the ground

seemed to be even paler than the falling snow, and there

of guilt and helplessness surged over him. He hurriedly bent over to hug

take you to the hospital. We’ll go to the

eyes. She pushed away his outstretched hands, slowly

and took

her face, and that smile made him completely frozen

be near her as well as his longing to explain and apologize to

at that moment.

him and chuckled. Then she said, “Avery,

not enough?”

owe you? Why wouldn’t you just leave me alone?

his senses. He tentatively took a step closer to her. “Darlene, I just want to

by my

I have no intention of harming

he felt the coldness from her hand, he approached her and wanted to carry her over. “I’ll

gritted her teeth and

push him. Standing on the steps, Avery staggered backward. He was worried that

loosened his grip, the woman in front of him did not hesitate for even just a second. She turned around

himself and immediately reached out to grab her again with


touched her, she turned around and slapped him hard in the face.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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