Chapter 215 My Baby Girl

In the hospital, after Darlene got the blood transfusion, she woke up the next morning.

Because Gustave suddenly stopped breathing, he was sent to the emergency room. After he got rescued, he was sent to the intensive care unit.

The doctor first sent Gustave to the intensive care unit. Not long after, he came out.

Cassius was waiting outside. He wanted to go in and see his son. When he saw the doctor come out, he said anxiously, "Doctor, does the intensive care unit only allow one person to care for the patient? I can take care of my son. Let me go in."

The doctor looked a little troubled. "Mr. Cassius, Mr. Gustave just barely woke up. His mind may not be clear now, and his state is not that good. He just said that he wanted to see Ms. Garcia."

Cassius' face darkened, and he said, "No. That woman entered my son's ward

last night. Just after that, my son suddenly stopped breathing. No matter what, I won't allow that woman to approach my son again."

The doctor tried to persuade Cassius and said, "Mr. Gustave has just woken up.

He is very weak now, and his emotions are not stable. As a doctor, I suggest that you should satisfy his current request as much as possible. It is also good for him to recover."

Cassius was silent for a moment with a cold face. In the end, he agreed reluctantly and said to Darnell, "Darnell, go and call that woman over. I'll go in and check my son first."

The doctor stopped Cassius and said, "Mr. Cassius, Mr. Gustave means that he only wants to see Ms. Garcia and say a few words to her. He is still not feeling well. So he wants to take a good rest before seeing the others."

Cassius was so angry that his face darkened. "The others? I am his father! I am his biological father!"

The doctor said calmly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Cassius. This is Mr. Gustave's own will. He needs a quiet environment to recuperate right now. It is not suitable if there are too many people going to disturb him."

Cassius had no choice but to compromise. After all, this matter was related to his son's recovery. No matter how angry Cassius was, he could only listen to the doctor's advice and sit back in the chair in the corridor.

Cassius watched as Darlene rushed over and entered the intensive care unit.

And Cassius himself could only wait outside and not go in to disturb Gustave and Darlene.

He cursed in his heart, damn it. Darlene has not married into the Walpole family yet. Even if she really marries my son, I will become her father-in-law. How

to go in directly. But the doctor beside him immediately stopped him and said, "Mr. Cassius, please calm down first."

at the doctor angrily. "You...

know what to say, so he could only withdraw

bed, she looked at Gustave, who was lying on the bed. She suddenly

But this was the first time Darlene had seen Gustave's face so pale.

Darlene's impression, no matter what happened, Gustave would always be

would never be any problems

How do you feel right now? Are you thirsty? Shall I get

really too tired. It seemed a little difficult

was about to get up, he reached out and patted the edge of the bed, indicating that Darlene didn't

before that the person who donated

still in

take Darlene to Lancaster alone. But Gustave was

as soon as possible and make enough preparations, just in case she

"I won't go. I will stay here

she saw Gustave stop breathing, she suddenly felt that Gustave's body might collapse at any

leave. She wanted to wait a few more days until Gustave's condition stabilized.

out and motioned Darlene to sit by the bed. He said, "Darlene, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. In order to find a suitable heart for

very well. I have woken up now, and there will be no problem with my body. You should go with Dr. Elicott first. If I go to Lancaster with you

were red. "I'm not

said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense. That heart can save your life. How can you say that you don't want to

I can discharge myself right now and go with you. I feel

She heard the news of Arthur's death

notice of critical illness to Gustave's family,

perhaps Darlene would have died in that car

back of Darlene's hand and said gently, "Go. Don't worry about me. It is not convenient

there, I will personally go to pick you up. Darlene, if you miss this chance,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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