Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 129

Epilogue I


“There he is,” the sonographer moved the transducer wand over the gel on my stomach.

The monitor displayed her movements, a black and white grainy image and a roundish void cradling a precious little white bean shape. My pup.

‘There’s our tiny winkle,’ Evva wagged softly and spoke even quieter.

The small point of the cursor on the screen slid across the image of my pup, placing points along his length.

“He’s a good size, twenty-four millimetres to be exact,” the technician raised an amused eyebrow at both my mates. “But considering his parents, it’s no surprise he’s on the larger range.”

“That’s my boy,” said Astennu, who sat at my side, gripping my left hand and kissing the back of it.

“Hey, he’s half mine,” Badru griped from behind my head, stroking both sides of my neck.

“Guys? You’re missing the baby,” I interrupted the dispute forming that my bladder and stomach didn’t have time for. ‘I’m tired, hungry and I feel like I‘m about to pee myself, so shut up before I knock your heads together and sit on you.’

‘That’s not the threat you think it is,’ Astennu nipped at the thin skin of my hand where his lips connected.

“Is that his arm moving?” Badru’s face sparkled in wonder, especially his sapphires for eyes, completely ignoring his chance to make a dirty and kinky innuendo.

“It is. And you see this little flicker?” Our sonographer moved the cursor around a fluttering grainy area. “That’s the heart. It’s not very visible as this is still pretty early to be doing a scan. I’ll switch transducers and we’ll see if we can pick it up.”

She switched out the wand device for one a little narrower and began moving it around, watching the screen as a blurry wave formed, frowning.

“Is it bad?” My panic spiked that something might be wrong despite the fact I could sense the reverse.

“No no, nothing like that,” she warmed her features. “It’s hard to locate, is all, with it being early, but it’s there under all the interference.”

She turned the sound up, holding the wand on the side of my stomach and switching pressures to find the best angle. A muffled thudding bumped away, unclear yet present, enough to spread a comforting warmth that pooled in my abdomen.

“We’ll hear it better at the next scan. Ten to twelve weeks is usually when we try for the heartbeat,” she removed the wand and handed me some paper towels to clean the gel off.

“So that’s it? Evie’s A-Ok?” Astennu took the five prints held out to him.

“Sure is. Pup and mother are perfect.”

‘I could’ve told you that, nour el-ain,’ Badru kissed my cheek from behind now I had sat upright.

“Can we get a few minutes alone in here?” I asked the technician, aware that any minute, the transport for my mates would be picking them up and we were cutting into the wire.

“Yeah, all the time you want,” she finished her clean-up of the equipment. “It’s a little early for regular appointments, so you have plenty of time.”

The sonographer had come into work in the early hours as a courtesy to us, knowing the pressing timeframe we had. But before any of that, I needed the bathroom. I required a full bladder for the sonogram to give the best picture possible and the pressure was pushing my restraint.

With an empty tank, I breathed a sigh of relief, a relief that was about to shatter because, while my mates had their obligations, I had a personal one of my own. It would be easier not to tell them a thing, to leave them unaware and let them find out on their return, but they had had enough two-faced people in their life and I wasn’t about to be another.

“Tam said the cars are on their way to pick us up,” Badru leant forward on his knees from his chair, studying the pattern on the vinyl floor.

Astennu gave me the little stack of photos, his fingers lingering against mine. “I knew it was coming, but I can’t believe we have to leave you so soon after getting you back.”

“At least you know where I am this time…and what I’ll be doing,” I sucked a sharp breath between my teeth.

“What are you up to?” Astennu spoke slowly and full of suspicion, his eyes narrowed and pinning me.

“I’m just going to have that shitty conversation with your mom… and maybe pay a visit to the cells-”

“Absolutely f*****g not!” They said in identical unison, pitch and hot temper.

‘Well, that went over like a fart in church,’ Evva snorted dryly. ‘It’s cute they think we’re gonna obey.’

“I wasn’t asking permission,” I girded my loins for an argument. “I’d rather we didn’t part fighting, but I’m going.”

“Why?” Badru pleaded, a note of exasperation in his tone, and crossed the room to me. “Why do you wanna be anywhere near him?”

“Because if anyone is gonna tell him the truth about Marceau, it should be me. I’m never gonna have the chance to carve my pound of flesh from that wolf…” I swallowed and screwed my eyes closed, the familiar collar about my neck tightening whenever that name was mentioned. I refused to let that name hold any sway over me. “That man… Marceau, he didn’t touch me exactly, but he made me do things in front of him so he could watch… that’s why I freaked out on the plane when you suggested leaving the bathroom door open.”

“Evie,” Badru circled his arms around me, pressing my back to his chest. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t–”

“It’s ok,” I snuggled back into the crook of his neck. “You didn’t know and were just being my adorable pervert.”

Astennu ran his nose along mine, stroking my jaw and chin with a feather touch of his fingertips. “I hate the idea of you going anywhere near Isaac… but I won’t fight you on it.”

“Good. And when you come back, we’ll talk baby names and start making that dream house of ours ready for when we can build,” I fiddled with the printouts in my hands, shuffling two out of the stack. “Take one each with you? To make sure you’ll both be careful and come back to us both… I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Fat tears burned and spilled their way down my cheeks and they fell harder at my frustrations that the damned things dogged me at every twinge of emotion.

“f**k sake! I’m over being pregnant with these hormones.”

“I don’t know,” Astennu ran light knuckles to collect my tears and flashed me a pair of disgustingly cute puppy dog eyes. “I kinda like you being all sensitive and squishy.”

I pulled back, glaring. Sensitive? Fine, I would concede that sometimes my skin was on the thin side when I pretended it was thick. But squishy?

sit on me again?” That wonderful clean-shaven jaw of

wriggle his brows as he kissed my neck and adorned the new mark that

pooling or the throbbing unnoticeable. My stomach rumbled, my thighs were aching from clenching and damp patches were rapidly

very hard and solid chests, adorned in perfect dashes of chest hair and rippling

Badru didn’t let me move a step away, his nostrils flaring in response to my

leaning in to kiss my lips. “We’ll be careful,

“I will.”

either spread all the stress and shitty conversations out or rip it all

no deed could be




I sat with my back to the main kitchen trying to catch a straight train of thought of what I would tell Qamar and what the hell I would say to Isaac. What sort of closure did I

him, we lost our snacks again when

‘You can’t speak, wolf.’

all the words I need,’ she flexed her

over my shoulder, recognising the berry and mint scent well before

all, that I had barely touched. “You wanting to relive the

cool with not

knew was that I was taken, along with my father, and that the Alpha was

any misgivings

rattling around the pans for the hob. “I’m making a batch of poached eggs, so long as they aren’t triggering your nausea, are

she began to boil the water and set up her eggs ready to crack into the

while Lucy plated up the first serving of poached egg with a tomato sauce



picture around in every which way. “What am I

little bean shape is the baby,” I leant over and pointed my index finger along the

this? He didn’t say anything,” her thumb traced

I sighed, a frown and bad mood creeping back in as the memory of their car disappearing out of sight played. The further away they

I need from you,” I peered around to make sure we were clear of eavesdroppers. “Distract my dad? I need to do something today that he isn’t

out of the pack house anyway,” she worried her bottom lip, sending it bright pink. “He didn’t sleep well last night and wouldn’t talk


large hazel eyes wide. “Yeah, he might say a few

he can’t be too mad

dressed, greeting me with a warmth that would never grow old. I fiddled with my locket incessantly, twisting it around the chain and spinning it

when she had nerves,” my father waved a finger at my twiddling. “What

breath, I took the deep plunge, expecting a similar blow up that my

mudak volk that sold you,” his

he used meant, but I knew who it was in

“Dad, I’m going-”




I think you’re winning,’ Evva interjected at the argument

I just had this out once and if my

go with

he moved forward. “If

folding his arms in a sulk that was all too

I won’t

I couldn’t do that to Qamar. She would feel it and would carry the scar of it forever. They were marked mates, their bond was sealed and permanent, a pain my father knew

you this, will you sulk less?” I showed him his copy

sunbeam…you will be careful solnyshko,” he lifted

a gust of laughter. “Well, that’s very kind of you. And I will be

his play gonna be, ground

know, Evva. Our old room’s down the hall,

I kissed the top of his head and mouthed a thank you to Lucy for keeping him occupied, however

a sigh of

this in one go,’ I yawned to my wolf, regretting making responsible decisions and wanting

slave traders was the easier fight and that

now,’ she was resigned. ‘Be thankful our morning sickness hasn’t stirred. But if you

the Alpha wing, my hand hovered over the

I just walk

Did I knock?

already granted. Was it in poor grace to breeze through the door like I lived there… did I live

I opted to let myself in, but called out

house. She was on the top story and second floor of the wing, in a cosy sitting room that overlooked Mount Rainier from one window and Crystal

among a stack of soft items, all new baby clothing, and

to master crocheting,” she held up the little dark blue blanket that resembled a squashed square and had dropped a few loops. “Did everything go ok? You and

kneeling on the floor, taking out a sweet little cot mobile from the open box in front of her and spinning the little stuffed animals and leaves. “The sonographer said he’s big for

keeping the last one for myself. Qamar’s onyx eyes sparkled, her plump red lips pursing a held-back sob. I twirled the crochet hook that

babies I thought I’d never have. Did you get to hear

of disappointment returned. “The technician couldn’t pick it

Isaac welled up, he…” Qamar abruptly stopped herself, her fingers sealing over her lips as though

saying his name too,” I gripped her hand. “I’m gonna go see him. I kinda want to show him personally

“The last time I saw him, I gave his face a

there’s things you need to know about that man,” I was already dreading my next

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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