#Chapter 397 – The Long Road Home


“No more road trips,” I grumble under my breath, trying to rock my little baby in my arms and distract him from the rumbling of the road, “ever again.”” Don’t be so sore about it,” Cora says, moving one of her checkers forward a space. “At least we got the information we were coming for.”

“WellthatI will never begrudge,” I say, turning my head and smiling at her.” But next time?”

She grins, anticipating what I’m going to say next. “We’re taking a private jet.” Cora laughs, shaking her head at me and sitting back against the backrest of her seat in the kitchenette.” That would be a waste of resources, and it’s probably too short of a flight or something to mom’s temple,” she sighs.

“Well thenoneof our children,” I huff, leaning forward to study the board, “is going to have to learn to bend time and space, because I amnotsuffering through this agai-”

But before I can even finish my sentence, Roger at the driver’s seat hits a huge bump and the game board goes flying in the air, pieces scattering despite their magnetic bond. I groan and sit back against my own seat as Cora sighs and picks up the pieces, putting them back in the box. We both know that particular distraction is over. “Sorry!” Roger calls over his shoulder. “Won’t happen again!” “He just knew I was beathing you,” I grumble as Sinclair comes and sits next to me.” Why did you let him drive, anyway? You’re better at it than he is.” “Oh, no he’s not,” Cora murmurs, defending her mate, but Sinclair and I ignore her.

Sinclair tells me with a shrug, reaching for the baby. “And youknowhow he gets when he feels like he’s not getting his turn with

smiles down at his grumpy son. “I agree though,” Sinclair says, smiling at me now and reaching out to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Next time? All luxury. We’ll get you all drunk at the airport so you don’t even remember the flight, and then we’ll spend the rest of our time luxuriating.” “This had better be a promise,” I murmur, leaning against him and closing my eyes. “You got it, baby,” he whispers, kissing the top of my head. “Hey, so,” Cora says, and I open my eyes to see her leaning across the table, her attention focused mostly on Sinclair. “Where are we going, anyway?” “Um, home?” he says, frowning at her. “Yeah,” she says, cocking her head to

I say, sitting up and looking at him with curiosity. “What isthatjob

that the Cult itself doesn’t have any particular problem with us – that they were merely serving Xander, probably because he supplied them with a great deal of money and resources. But now that we’ve put a serious dent in

time to start our lives again.” “It has to be more complicated than that,” I say, shaking my head and frowning at him. “Xander

to regroup and focus on the interrupted task: ensuring this country is united under a single King.” “And that’s you, right?” Cora asks, looking at him curiously. “Well, we hope so,”

people of this nation aware,” she says, “that theirKingeatsallthe chips? And does not bother to

leans forward. “Are they likewise aware, that said sister-in-

groan, especially as Rafe starts to fuss more in Sinclair’s arms. I raise my hands to my temples and rub them gently as my mate and my sister fall silent, grinning at each other. “I cannot take argument on top of traveling in a sardine can. Also, it is smelly in here.” “Truce, then,” Cora sighs. “So, house?” I say, likewise curious as I look up at my mate. ” House,” he says with

instead of one with Cora. I nod and give him a little kiss on the shoulder before resting my head in the same spot.

she’d like to zap everyone who

little shrug and leaning forward to engage her more completely. “Considering that I’m likely to become the King of a nation that’s going to have a lot of military concerns, I wonder if you’d be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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