Eleven heard the sarcasm in his words and chuckled.

"Mr. Freeman, I'm sorry."

Melvin made a soft "hmm" sound and walked to the wall, facing it and bracing his hands against it.

He just stood firmly and a cane came with wind.

It landed directly and unceremoniously on his upright back with a crunching sound.

"Er ..."

Melvin clenched his teeth, and his hands almost subconsciously clenched into fists.

Not waiting to digest the pain caused by this cane, he was completely not given a chance to breathe but it was followed by a second and third beat.

It hurt. It really hurt.

Because he was injected with a special drug, his body became weaker and his skin thinner, while the pain was intensified.

The 023 special drug was originally used to treat prisoners of war who had made great mistakes, and after injection, people were powerless to resist, and the pain during interrogation and torture was intensified, which also led to physical and mental torture to the extreme.

He never thought that 023 drug would be used to torment him as well one day, albeit in a modified and toned down version.

It was ironic when he just thought about it!


The sharp pain of the cane swinging into his back ripped his thoughts back.

With more than 20 times of hitting, his back was already red and purple under the white shirt.

He held on to his breath, in order to keep himself from letting out a little shout of humiliation. He bit his lower lip so hard that there was a row of blood marks on it. His forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his arms were bruised.

When he endured the fortieth hit, his arm, which was braced against the wall, began to shake uncontrollably.

By the time he reached the seventieth, his back was already hurting to the point of near numbness. As the skin was more fragile than before, several parts of his back had been skinned and his white shirt was soaked with scattered spots of blood.

He began to feel dizzy, and his original long and straight legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

watched from the sidelines and had to sigh at Master Keith's brutality

him painful

came to find Melvin's trouble, the wounds on the back will not affect the normal walk. Miss Carroll could not know about

was thinking about it when he

on the floor and passed out from the pain

two "abusers" were confused, looked at each other, and finally had to turn to

"Eleven, what to do?"

who was bloodless on the floor, and


sighed and was suddenly in awe of the unconscious

without saying a word before passing out. He is really a man." He thought about it, and added, "You two didn't

a panic, "You know how strong our hands are, not

should we do now? The last ten strokes should be continue or not? If we finish, I'm afraid we have to splash him with water to

didn't say anything, lowering her head to re-examine

bloodless, as white as paper, but his

which actually did not make people feel very ugly, but had

sincerely wanted to


man's face was

lady liked to keep this face around, at least pleasing to


were still holding the cane shouted at

and looked squarely at Melvin's miserable

water to wake him up and then continue. It is estimated that he will faint again. Master Keith said

"What about Master Keith..."

go and tell him

were ready to hit

Eleven called out Seventeen and Eighteen who were

you two

lowered their heads, "Mr. Freeman passed out in the living room

with satisfaction, "If the lady asks, you guys just say it like this. If the lady doesn't ask, then just pretend it's


and Eighteen went back to their posts after hearing the order, not bothering at all about the fainted

young masters loved most. He dared to hurt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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