Chapter 51: Nightmare

Seeing her so upset, Michael felt his own heart ache.

She never told him any of this.


"Lucy had it all. Dad spent all his money on her overseas education, leaving Mom and me with just debts. When Mom got sick, those debts fell on me. I thought getting married would mean support, but Lucy stole him from me too."

Maybe he didn't take over-maybe he was Lucy all along.

Chloe mumbled a few more words, but the booze won out and she passed out cold."

Seeing her curled up on the huge bed, Michael felt a deep pang of sorrow.

He'd never noticed how tiny she was before, like she was just skin stretched over bones.

Michael rubbed his temples, still processing what Chloe had just said.

Her pitiful act when she got drunk almost had him fooled.

Back when he spent all that time with Lucy abroad, she was nothing like Chloe described-always fighting over everything.

Chapter 51: Nightmare


standout talent, never wasting the Nelson family's money on fun. Instead, she focused on


of them

the person on the bed started to

called for the

finished tidying up, he ordered, "Get her some hangover remedy and

and left, leaving him alone with

the smell of alcohol escape. After tucking her in

her body with a damp cloth. Chloe, half-asleep, finally began to feel a bit

pajamas from the closet and helped

the hangover remedy. He propped Chloe up, letting

some hangover pills before you crash, or you'll have a

up. She felt

off when she was rudely awakened. With a groan, she turned her head away,

patient, gently soothed

on, just take

slowly calmed down, soothed by his

to drink half the bowl of medicine, she started causing a fuss and refused to


no choice but to help

window, dialing Ethan. "Unlock all of Chloe's

of night, that single sentence nearly threw Ethan

groggily rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "Uh... sure thing,

The call dropped.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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