Chapter 248 Explanation

On the roadside, Chloe and Candy intended to take a taxi.

ot a minute to talk?"

"Chlor, got n

Michael had planned to accompany her on the trip, and their relationship wouldn't have been strained if she hadn't deliberately picked on him.

Hearing Michael's footsteps, she didn't look back

"Not much to say," Chloe maid in a cold tone.

"Lucy can only contact me here. The police called me today. Would you please not be mad at me over a misunderstanding? You left with James yesterday, stayed out all night, and I haven't pursued you." "In that case, I'll hold you accountable first."

Chloe turned around angrily

"She didn't leave when she finished her work. It was her fault that she missed the flight, not mine. Since you misunderstand my relationship with James, then what about you and Lucy? When you enjoy the dinner happily, do you know what happened to me?"

Chloe almost lost her life in the accident caused by James, and the accident was widely publicized.

But Michael didn't mind it.

and he had never been concerned

faked a robbery,

when he heard this,

"Read the recent news about Mythics, then you'll get

she stopped a cab and left with

was left alone in

his cell phone,

one got injured through the news reports, but the witness claimed the culprit targeted a man and

Chloe was a target of

more reports and

recognized Chloe by her

shooting happened the day she made a restaumet reservation but didn't show

got injured, so she

had for James was

mind was a mess at the moment, and he desperately

Chloe didn't call him that day or

for him in

up, but by the time he stood at the door of Candy's hotel

a minute. Did you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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