Chapter 275 Fever

Chloe calmly instructed Emma to call the doctor.

The Family doctor come quickly, reaching the first floor in less than ten minutes.

Emma said, "I applied a wet towel to him, but I don't know if it had any effect."

The family doctor of Lotus Manor had long lived nearby but seldom made house visits.

Que reason was

that Chloe had taken good care of Michael and would personally check almost every meal before the maids prepared them.

The other reason was that Michael himself was a regular person

The doctor examined Michael and looked at Chloe beside him, asking. "Did he eat anything today?"

"Mr. Shawn only had some Buffalo Wings and nothing else!" Emina nervously gripped her coat's hem, struggling for words. "Buffalo Wings?" The doctor was a little surprised

As Michael's personal doctor, he knew well about his health. Michael avoided spicy food due to a sensitive stomach.

If he ate Buffalo Wings, he would undoubtedly have a high fever from stomach distress.


doing something to move himself, but ate Buffalo Wings and gave himself a

a perfect match with Lucy!

injection and conducting a thorough examination,

interim hostess,

high fever. You may need to help wipe

"I knew."

Chloe headed upstairs, intending to return

Shawn is still calling



stay with Michael

Chloe remained indifferent, "Calling my name

Mrs. Shawn become so

slept until dawn, feeling

Chloe's name all night long, and his throat was heame when he woke up the next day. When Michael went downstairs, Chloe had

up late because of the illness, and probably wouldn't have time

he murmured,

received a message from Jaimes, saying that her car awaited

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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