Chapter 314 Disqualify You?

Everyone quickly opened their phones to check the link

luside, they found a spinning globe that looked quite ordinary.

"Alright, let's begin. You have three hours," Chloe announced.

The boy who had raised his hand first asked, "But we don't have computers."

"You don't need computers. Just use your phones," Chloe replied calmly.

Hackers couldn't always carry their computers everywhere, after all. In some situations, they had to use their phone.

Besides, the task she gave today was more than manageable with just a plone.

The crowd was astonished as if they had never seen such a unique interview process before. "Wait a is that a real person behind the firewall or some kinda system?" someone asked.

They needed to know who or what they were dealing with

Chloe smirked. "It's me

Everyone gasped. Although they didn't know Chloe's identity, her confident manners suggested she was a significant figure in the team.

At this point, everyone's expressions grew serious. Chloe held her phone, defending against their attacks one by one.

minutes passed, and no one could breach her

in, the once-packed classroom had thinned out considerably. Those without patience had already dropped out of


a low battery warning. So,

visibly sweating

approached, the heo

Quinn rose to his feet.

let out a sigh



Chloe's phone blared with an ominous alert - it had been

looked at the girl,

at Jioleek. What's your name?" Chloe

a second, her face still a bit dazed. A few seconds later, she suddenly covered her mouth as if

Of cou


"Oh my gosh! T


amazing! I'm going to be part of the Jioleek team! The girl practically bounced with joy,

smile at her entusiam, "You haven't told us your name

industry, everyone uses nicknames, right? Like Jioleek?*

They never disclosed the true

Chapter 314 Disqualify You?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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