Chapter 187

Aveline tried not to ov


the police, but the

*You figured it out?" the driver poked coldly

Aveline felt everything becoming blurry and instinctively tried to open the car door, but was already locked

"Who are you?" she asked with faculty, pinching her thigh to stay awaka

The drives glared at her coldly from forget me? You Bethe witch, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been in prison?*

A flash of cognition hit Alice Lucas had investigated

Darren the wins the one

But she didn't too him at all #hy was fue se hate?

Instead of panic

ng, &aveline slayed calm and said. "Is there anding What do you want? Mamey, a car, a

a misunde

can give

Besland is Lucas Tudor.

of the

wealthy *

life!" Darren shouted, flooring the gas

The car sped of?!

into the

of the fragrance


Lucas beside her

a place for her in his heart. Now, he was no longer answering Aveline's

you divorce her?"

his documents, remained unmoved by Aveline's recent

and deep as he said,

I truly love you. With me by

didn't reply; he simply looked down at his documents, his fingers occasionally turning the

his striking face, thrilled at the thought

fluttered, and he glanced at the caller ID

It was Desmond calling.

glanced at the screen and relaxed when she


an urgent overseas video conference you need to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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