Lucas continued to gaze at her face, speaking seriously, "Aveline, think about it carefully. Are you really at a loss?"

Aveline hesitated for a moment.

If she thought it through, it didn't seem like she was losing out at all.

Lucas was the one putting in the money and effort, and on top of that, he only wanted to sleep with her. His skills in bed were undeniable, and he brought her considerable pleasure. It was just a matter of spending a bit of time in bed with him.

Besides, it wasn't like it was their first time.

There wasn't much to be conflicted or to struggle over.

After a pause, she replied, "I need to think about it."

Lucas nodded. "Let me know when you've made up your mind."

Aveline didn't respond, turning away and leaving.

Lucas watched her retreating figure, a faint smile slowly appearing on his lips.

Just then, his phone rang. He glanced at the screen-it was Baron calling.

"Yes?" he answered.

what Mrs. Tudor asked us to look into. The people who harassed the orphanage were bodyguards from

narrowed his eyes slightly. "Find out what connection Hilda has with



for self-sufficiency, but Zachary had since transformed it into a simple playground. It now had swings, hopscotch, and other things for the kids to enjoy. Aveline sat on one of the

help her investigate her

she did that, she wouldn't need to rely on Hilda at

expression cold and unreadable.

and draped a

instinctively pulling back a bit before saying,

noticed her subtle retreat but didn't comment

asked, "Something troubling


replied, "Not as well as I'd hoped. Running a website to help people find their families isn't easy. It takes a long time to

"It's a

Sun & teard

"You still want to find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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