#73 “Right Now, I See You As A Friend.”

Sophia’s mind was awash with questions. When she had agreed to marry Alexander, she hadn’t delved into the underlying reasons behind it. Her decision had been driven primarily by her grandfather’s insistence, and she didn’t want to let him down.

Her grandfather had always made decisions that turned out to be the right ones. But Caroline’s cryptic hints had ignited a spark of curiosity within her, making her acutely aware that there might be layers of the story she remained ignorant of.

Sophia couldn’t ignore the growing urge to seek answers. The desire to uncover the hidden truths about her family’s history gnawed at her, and she couldn’t quell the intrigue that had taken hold.

“Thank you for sharing this with me, Caroline,” Sophia responded, her mind still deeply engrossed in thoughts.

“You’re welcome, dear. I’ll see what I can find and keep you updated,” Caroline said with gentleness in her voice.

“I believe it’s time for me to go. I’ve had a delightful evening,” Sophia stated, rising from her seat.

“Of course, dear. I wish you a pleasant evening, and once again, thank you for joining us.”

Caroline gave Sophia a warm embrace, releasing her to depart. Alexander, who had been silently observing the exchange, hastily stood up from his chair.

“Hey, I’m coming with you,” he quickly announced, moving toward Sophia without waiting for his mother’s response.

that her son was finally taking some initiative. ” Take your time,” she called after

of the villa’s grand staircase. Her gaze fell upon the garden, which she had meticulously cared for over the years. She couldn’t help but notice

her and took a deep breath,

and she turned to


mother would choose to interfere in

you tired of


her, Alexander. In fact, I consider everything she said as friendly advice,” Sophia explained. ” But I need you to understand that I don’t want to dwell in the past. Right now,

had been her husband before, but their marriage had felt far from genuine. Now, at least,

he replied. “It sounds

Sophia replied somewhat

anymore?” Alexander teased, trying to

Sophia chuckled once more.

“Does that mean we can grab coffee…” Alexander continued, the hopeful glint in

Alexander raised his hands in mock surrender, a grin playing on his lips, causing Sophia to

replied, and they both noticed the car waiting to transport Sophia

Alex,” Sophia said as she


fond smiles exchanged, Alexander climbed the villa’s

a moment,” a voice called out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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