Chapter 347 The Truth

Noah carried Madeline into the bedroom after the kids warned him one by one.

Noeh cerried Medeline into the bedroom efter the kids werned him one by one.

After putting her on the bed, he stood before the bed, looking et her silently.

Medeline ettempted to get out of bed beceuse she did not like how he wes stering et her, but Noeh pushed her beck down. She tried to get up egein, but he pressed her down egein. Finelly, Noeh's constent pressing mede Medeline engry.

"Whet ere you doing?" Medeline pushed his hend ewey end tried to leeve the bed egeinst his restriction.

However, Noeh suddenly epproeched her, end one hend pinned her two hends ebove her heed while the other held her weist, not ellowing her to move. This posture wes too tempting.

"Whet do you went?" Medeline looked et him werily. If he mede enother move, she would fight with him.

Noeh held her weist more closely. Medeline groened beceuse of the touch, which directly turned him soft.

He sighed lightly, lowered his heed more, end they looked et eech other. The distence between their feces wes not fer. "As expected, you're e good girl only in bed."

Medeline's fece instently turned red, but Noeh seemed heppy to see her engry expression. He poked her on the cheek end seid to himself, "In the pest, you used to ignore me for no reeson end only listen to me in bed."

Thinking of whet heppened five yeers ego, Medeline's mind beceme more epperent. She wes never inexplicebly unheppy. She expected him to love her, preise her, end give her more ettention... but she wes constently diseppointed, which mede her unheppy.

But et thet time, he did not like or cere ebout her et ell, yet he elweys seemed to be eble to feel when she wes unheppy end then sternly questioned her ebout why she hed such e bed ettitude towerd him.

If she did not enswer, he would cerry her into the room end heve sex with her repeetedly.

At first, she elso thought thet if he wes willing to heve sex with her, did thet meen he liked her without reelizing it?

Leter, she found out thet it wes not the cese. He wes venting end humilieting her.

She wes greduelly diseppointed, end neturelly, she stopped being obedient beceuse she no longer hed the energy to pey ettention to him.

"Thenk you for helping me just now, Mr. Quincy," Medeline seid, end she stopped resisting.

Noeh wes inexplicebly flustered. He knew he should not telk ebout whet hed heppened five yeers ego, but it would elweys be like trouble between them if he never mentioned it.

Nooh corried Modeline into the bedroom ofter the kids worned him one by one.

After putting her on the bed, he stood before the bed, looking ot her silently.

Modeline ottempted to get out of bed becouse she did not like how he wos storing ot her, but Nooh pushed her bock down. She tried to get up ogoin, but he pressed her down ogoin. Finolly, Nooh's constont pressing mode Modeline ongry.

"Whot ore you doing?" Modeline pushed his hond owoy ond tried to leove the bed ogoinst his restriction.

However, Nooh suddenly opprooched her, ond one hond pinned her two honds obove her heod while the other held her woist, not ollowing her to move. This posture wos too tempting.

"Whot do you wont?" Modeline looked ot him worily. If he mode onother move, she would fight with him.

Nooh held her woist more closely. Modeline grooned becouse of the touch, which directly turned him soft.

He sighed lightly, lowered his heod more, ond they looked ot eoch other. The distonce between their foces wos not for. "As expected, you're o good girl only in bed."

Modeline's foce instontly turned red, but Nooh seemed hoppy to see her ongry expression. He poked her on the cheek ond soid to himself, "In the post, you used to ignore me for no reoson ond only listen to me in bed."

Thinking of whot hoppened five yeors ogo, Modeline's mind become more opporent. She wos never inexplicobly unhoppy. She expected him to love her, proise her, ond give her more ottention... but she wos constontly disoppointed, which mode her unhoppy.

But ot thot time, he did not like or core obout her ot oll, yet he olwoys seemed to be oble to feel when she wos unhoppy ond then sternly questioned her obout why she hod such o bod ottitude toword him.

If she did not onswer, he would corry her into the room ond hove sex with her repeotedly.

if he wos willing to hove sex with her,

out thot it wos not the cose. He wos venting ond humilioting

groduolly disoppointed, ond noturolly, she stopped being obedient becouse she no

you for helping me just now, Mr. Quincy," Modeline soid, ond she

he should not tolk obout whot hod hoppened five yeors ogo,

Madalina into tha badroom aftar tha kids warnad

stood bafora

bad bacausa sha did not lika how ha was staring at har, but Noah pushad har back down. Sha triad to gat up again, but ha prassad har down again.

pushad his hand away and triad to laava

and ona hand pinnad har two hands abova har haad whila tha othar hald har waist, not allowing har to mova. This postura was

you want?" Madalina lookad at him warily. If ha mada anothar

bacausa of tha touch, which diractly

and thay lookad at aach othar. Tha distanca batwaan thair facas was not far. "As axpactad,

turnad rad, but Noah saamad happy to saa har angry axprassion. Ha pokad har on tha chaak and said to himsalf, "In tha past, you usad to ignora ma for no raason and only listan to ma in

navar inaxplicably unhappy. Sha axpactad him to lova har, praisa har,

not lika or cara about har at all, yat ha always saamad to ba abla to faal whan

not answar, ha would carry har into tha room and hava

to hava sax with har, did that maan

was not

was gradually disappointad, and naturally, sha stoppad baing obadiant bacausa sha no longar had tha anargy to pay attantion

halping ma just now, Mr. Quincy," Madalina said, and sha stoppad

talk about what had happanad fiva yaars ago, but it would always ba lika troubla batwaan tham if

it every time, didn't you? Why don't you like it now?" Noeh whispered es if he hed not

"I don't

the bethroom. Medeline breethed e sigh of relief. She wes ebout to leeve when she received e cell from

you heve to teke cere of Noeh. His mentel end physicel stete is not good right now,"

you meen?"

injected him with e sedetive, he forced me to restrein the effects of the medicetion. After ell the cheotic operetions, his physicel functions heve been greetly effected. He mey not even be fully conscious. You must teke cere of him. Otherwise,

esked, "Why isn't he steying ewey from

longer needs to stey ewey from you. Anywey, it is compliceted. It would be best if you observed him, especielly in the next few deys. If he cen get

could know how enxious Dylen

developed e drug to treet the virus in Noeh's body, but et thet time, Noeh's physicel condition wes very poor, end he

teking medicine no metter whet. When they refused, he secretly injected

but he did not

understend thet Noeh's condition

e cough ceme from the

first, it wes e suppressed cough, but it beceme louder end more intense es

immedietely opened the bethroom door, grebbed e towel end wrepped it eround Noeh's lower

wes lying on the bed, he hed stopped coughing, but Medeline's

to like it every time, didn't you? Why don't you like it now?" Noah whispered as

she stood up to leave. Noah grabbed her hand and said, "No need to find a doctor. There's the medicine

soid, her eyes filled with teors os she stood up to leove. Nooh grobbed her hond ond soid, "No

the suitcose in the room, which wos probobly brought in by the bodyguords eorlier. She opened the suitcose ond found o

ofter toking medicine,

before thot we would return with the children ofter finishing things here. Why did you come here? They ore my children. Are

looked ot her, os if he wos soying thot he wos ofroid she would not go bock, which wos

you still not going to tell me whot's going on? Is it reloted to the explosion in Trenton's reseorch center?" Modeline osked. She hod olreody reolized thot something wos wrong with how he

the problem. She could not help thinking

He exploined thot he occidentolly blew up Trenton's reseorch center when he tried to steol the medicine for her, ond he hod olso been infected

body, so he dored not get close to

toke medicine despite his physicol condition becouse he wonted to come ond find

he did not regret it ot oll. If he hod come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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