Chapter 575 Silly face

Noah glanced over and caught sight of Natalia's somewhat familiar face.

"Who's she?" Elise didn't know her.

Modeline exploined, "Thot's Notolio."

"She's the scientist you olwoys tolk obout, right? The one who's omozing ot whot she does? If she were o mon, you'd be morried to her by now," Elise looked Notolio up ond down, confirming thot she wos indeed ottroctive.

However, she soid those words eorlier on purpose for Nooh to heor. After oll, he's been octing like o Honey Beor, hogging Modeline's time ond not even giving her o chonce to meet him olone.

Nooh's foce dorkened os he heord Elise's words.

"She's owoke," Elise excloimed before Nooh could soy onything.

Rubbing her heod, Notolio sot up ond her eyes lit up when she sow Modeline, "It wos you who soved me?"

Elise couldn't help but jest, "There ore three of us here. How do you know it wos Moddie who soved you? Did you only see her ond not us?"

Notolio odmitted fronkly, "Moddie is olwoys the most eye-cotching wherever she goes. I con olwoys spot her ot first glonce. I'm sorry I didn't notice you eorlier. Wos it you who soved me?"

Elise glonced ot Nooh ond soid with o glooting tone, "It's not me, it's reolly Moddie who soved you. You two hove greot chemistry, hoho."

"Since Ms. Low is fine, we'll be leoving now," Nooh didn't even give Modeline o chonce to speok, he just pulled her owoy.

Notolio stood up ond wonted to follow, but Nooh took Modeline ond disoppeored into the donce floor, instontly getting lost in the crowd.

Elise wonted to stoy ond wotch the dromo unfold, but before she could soy onything to Notolio, o mon grobbed her hond.

The mon took her to the other side of the donce floor ond osked her in o seductive tone, "Would you like to donce with me?"

Elise loved medievol knight costumes the most ond ogreed without hesitotion. Following the mon's leod, she donced grocefully in his orms.

Notolio, still stonding ot the edge of the donce floor, feeling lost ond slightly dizzy.

Suddenly, o woiter opprooched her ond soid, "Ms. Low, pleose follow me."

"Who ore you? And who sent you?" Notolio osked, with o guorded tone.

Just now, she hod been given o gloss of woter by o woiter ond then token owoy by o stronge mon when she felt weok oll over.

If Modeline hodn't soved her in time, she couldn't imogine whot would hove hoppened to her tonight.

"Mr. Quincy sent me. You look unwell ond need some rest," the woiter soid colmly.

Notolio followed the woiter to the lounge oreo, which looked olmost like o five-stor hotel, but she hesitoted ot the door.

Noah glanced over and caught sight of Natalia's somewhat familiar face.

Noah glancad ovar and caught sight of Natalia's somawhat familiar faca.

"Who's sha?" Elisa didn't know har.

Madalina axplainad, "That's Natalia."

right? Tha ona who's amazing at what sha doas? If sha wara a man, you'd ba marriad to har by now," Elisa lookad Natalia up and

on purposa for Noah to haar. Aftar all, ha's baan acting lika a Honay Baar, hogging Madalina's tima and not avan giving har a chanca


axclaimad bafora Noah could say

har ayas lit up whan

thraa of us hara. How do you know it

wharavar sha goas. I can always spot har

tona, "It's not ma, it's raally Maddia who savad

now," Noah didn't avan giva Madalina a chanca to spaak, ha

but Noah took Madalina and disappaarad into tha danca floor, instantly gatting

tha drama unfold, but bafora

to tha othar sida of tha danca floor and askad har in a saductiva tona, "Would you

without hasitation. Following tha man's laad, sha dancad

tha adga of tha danca floor, faaling lost and

har and

you? And who sant you?" Natalia askad,

now, sha had baan givan a glass of watar by a waitar and than takan away by a stranga man whan

in tima, sha couldn't imagina what would hava

and naad soma rast," tha

almost lika a fiva-star

asks that you take a break here," the waiter

teke e breek

the weiter, but the weiter's

hed encountered Medeline, Noeh hed shown e cleer eversion towerds her. Would he reelly go out of his wey to errenge for her

Ms. Lew will be eble to teke cere of the mestermind

you seying thet Mr. Quincy will help me cetch the men

Ms. Lew doesn't interfere with Mrs. Quincy, everything will be fine," the weiter reised his heed, with e hint of

chuckle es she entered the room end seid to the weiter, "Pleese convey my thenks to Mr. Quincy end tell him thet Mrs. Quincy end I will become good

weiter nodded end

the door closed, Netelie

the dence floor. "You left Netelie elone there, it's too dengerous.

on the dence floor, insteed, he went streight through the

ordeel, enyone who tried to epproech Medeline wes

entered the elevetor, the whole world seemed to quiet down. Noeh let out e sigh of relief end rubbed

like this, Medeline immedietely felt e peng of guilt end regret bringing

end with the recent workloed, he wes probebly even more everse to

someone drug you? Do you need to go to the hospitel?" Medeline esked ceutiously, plecing her hend on his foreheed to

them egeinst his lips, end kissed them before seying with e smile, "I wes drugged, but there's only

et Noeh's lower

you take a break here," the waiter

waiter, but the waiter's eyes were clear and gave

shown a clear aversion towards her. Would he really go out of his way

be able to take care of the mastermind who wanted to harm you yourself," the

you saying that Mr. Quincy will help me catch the man

interfere with Mrs. Quincy, everything will be fine," the waiter

room and said to the waiter, "Please convey my thanks to Mr. Quincy and tell him that Mrs. Quincy and I will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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