Chapter 428 Something Happened to Branden

Branden boarded the private plane and headed to Snake Island. Paxton sat with him on the plane and felt uneasy, so he handed the serum the lab newly developed to Branden.

“Sir, this is the serum. Inject it for your safety.”

Branden glanced at Paxton as a warning, and the latter put the serum away gingerly. Branden then pulled open the airplane door.

Without a moment of hesitation, Branden jumped off the plane. Paxton was dumbfounded. They did not arrive at their destination yet.

Why did Branden jump off suddenly?

The plan was to send Branden to Snake Island, and Branden finished the survival challenge there. But Branden chose to increase the difficulty by jumping to the nearby sea area and swimming to the shore.

The sea area around Snake Island was a famous dead zone. The complex geography caused the sea to swell roughly, and the most dangerous thing was the man-eater shark.

If starting from that sea area, Branden would probably be eaten by a shark before he got to the island. Paxton could not understand what Branden wanted. Whether to beg for Catherine’s forgiveness or simply torture himself.

Paxton could not stop Branden from swimming to Snake Island and stayed till the challenge was completed, but he needed to know Branden’s condition at all times.

Everything was as usual on the training ground. There was nothing different after Branden joined them. After all, Catherine did not agree with Branden to join her camp officially.

It still depended on whether Branden could be back alive from Snake Island. Catherine started the other half of the training. The trainees were highly focused, and no one dared to do anything wrong.

They knew Catherine’s cruel methods and did not have the guts to risk it. As time passed, Catherine’s training methods became even more harsh.

Three people were eliminated in the afternoon only.

Yet, no one complained, not because they feared Catherine. They knew the training goal was to pick out the best elites from them. If one was not capable enough, they were expected to be out.

improvement in just one week. That was what Catherine brought them.

arranging the following training for the trainees when

could you come to the medical room

Why would Jon suddenly ask her to

sounded in her ear. “Sir, this is Paxton. Something happened

hesitant for a second after the talk

to rush toward the medical

arrived, it was already a

surrounded the bed and pressed Branden’s body, preparing to give him

Swann, please, talk to Branden. He doesn’t listen to

brows knitted tightly, and she asked, trying to suppress her rage, ” Tell me. What the

anything from her and told her everything Branden experienced, from departing to staying on Snake

to return, he refused to be cured immediately but said he

Branden, on

away the medical officers around him, struggled down the bed, and staggered to

of Catherine, he made

mission on surviving Snake

He opened his eyes with difficulty, revealing how bloodshot they were. Catherine could

relatively small wounds almost

oozed out blood because he refused to cooperate. The medical room was filled with the

still tried hard to say, “Sir, would

A chance?

What chance?

a chance for him to join her camp or a chance

meaning it was. After learning the truth, Branden never asked

himself in ways that were way crueler than what he had done to

repay the pain he had inflicted on Su Mian

still on the spot, motionless. She fixed his eyes on him. Branden’s eyes were

eyes from head to toe. She asked in composure, “You desire to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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