Chapter 622 Be Your Teacher

The convention officially began, and Catherine sat on the left of Marshall, with a representative from Ellinos Academy sitting on his right.

This university ranked far above Styre University in the world. Unfortunately, their research and development in this experimental project were far behind that of Styre University’s laboratory. The Ellinos Academy representatives were very dissatisfied with this.

Seeing Marshall bringing a student here, the representative of Ellinos Academy, Atticus Sterling, sarcastically remarked, “It looks like Styre University’s research has made breakthrough progress, huh?”

This sudden remark attracted everyone’s attention. No one knew what was going on with Atticus. Curiously, someone asked him, “Mr. Sterling, have you received some secret information?”

Atticus sneered. “No, but it’s just obvious, isn’t it? Look, Professor Hartley is bringing his student to this convention, allowing a freshman to communicate with us. If there hadn’t been significant achievements, how could he do this?”

His implication was that Marshall looked down on them by sending a student to communicate to talk with them. This statement made everyone’s expression turn sour. All eyes shifted back and forth between Marshall and Atticus.

Marshall looked embarrassed, not knowing how to explain. He struggled to say, “Please, don’t misunderstand. I didn’t mean that. The reason I brought Catherine here is because I believe in her outstanding abilities. She has great insight into the experimental project and is much more capable than I am.”

Atticus coldly scrutinized Marshall and said, “Professor Hartley, why bother? You don’t have to belittle yourself like this, do you? If you’re less capable than her, why don’t you let her be your teacher? I heard she’s just a freshman!”

Marshall’s face became extremely embarrassed, not knowing how to explain himself.

him. He didn’t

you have a problem

at him.

then smiled triumphantly and looked at Marshall with a smug expression. “Professor Hartley, your student seems to agree with my statement. Why don’t

He always

Marshall could figure it out, he heard Catherine coldly say to Atticus, ” You’re right. Not only can I be Professor Hartley’s teacher, but I can also be yours.” She then raised her eyebrows and looked at Atticus mockingly. “Come on, be my student, and

face immediately darkened, and he slammed his hand on the table, angrily shouting at Catherine, “How dare you? Who do you think you are to speak to me like that? Don’t

said loudly, “So what if I look down

in front of her. Maybe she had

atmosphere became tense, and everyone watched the battle between Styre University and Ellinos

a burst of laughter caught

others look at him, Patrick raised his hand and said,

said to him, ” Professor Phillips,

in the field than Marshall. Among the people present, his research results were the most impressive. In

involved in the first place, but

really want me to say something, then I

his eyes in disbelief as

you sure you’re not

seriously and said, “Mr.

that Catherine was his teacher. If Marshall was biased toward his student, what about Patrick? Why would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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