Chapter 625 Let It Be!

Aidan was indeed good at cooking.

The Lanes had moved overseas many years ago. Despite Aidan’s usual carefree appearance, resembling a playboy, he was patriotic. Most importantly, he had a strong love for Eskanese cuisine. To preserve the authenticity of his taste buds, Aidan had sought out many chefs to learn how to cook.

What started as a fun activity became his proficiency, and his culinary skills were now ready to be showcased.

Aidan was busy cooking while Branden emerged from the kitchen after cutting the fruit.

Catherine was playing games with Triston. Totally different from Catherine, who remained calm, Triston was visibly excited, veins bulging on his neck. When Catherine scored a direct hit on the opponent in the game, Triston cheered, “Wow, Cassie, that was awesome! Now, those wimps on the other side won’t be able to act tough! You beat the shit out of them! Anyway, I’ll use a frying pan to knock them out.”

Seeing their excitement, Branden sat down next to Catherine and offered her the cut fruit. She ate it without even looking at it.

Seeing Branden do this, Triston couldn’t help but-turn his head away, unable to stand such a show-off.

As the round of the game ended, Bryan and Ronin could be heard protesting over the headset. Triston’s sudden appearance had prevented them from teaming up with Catherine.

“Catherine, it’s my turn now,” Ronin said in a pitiful tone.

Bryan had been waiting for Catherine online for a long time, and


to Branden, Triston took the initiative and asked, “Mr.

to the cabinet to take the whisky that Triston had offered. Triston casually remarked, “I heard Catherine attended a

so he

world’s top scientists came, including Atticus from

paused momentarily but ultimately decided to share the information with Branden. After all, they had been friends

laboratory. I heard he has set his sights on a female student from Styre

so their actions were very arrogant. Although their experiments were very successful and significant, they still had a bad reputation, mainly because they were too despicable. They stopped at nothing to achieve their

momentarily but still decided to speak up. “I heard that Atticus has set his sights on

else but Catherine could

Mistel’s military,

as he received the news, knowing that preparing in advance could reduce

glass of whisky, swaying it slightly. Then, he tilted his head back and took a sip.

raised his eyes and looked at Triston. The seemingly plain and cold gaze carried endless

had the backing of the Mistel military, Branden would make anyone who dared to hurt

felt worried. He had known Branden for so many

our country. If people from Mistel dare

it. The two of them clinked

who dared to mess with her would meet their demise. Whether

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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