Chapter 647 I Don’t Have Money

Recently, the business world in Loxton has been tumultuous, mysterious, and unpredictable.

The Breens’ representative in Eskana, Edson, had joined forces with several major families to besiege the Duncan Corporation, aiming to destroy it completely.

Everyone was speculating on how long the Duncan Corporation could resist in the face of the fierce attack from powerful external capital.

The Breens even arrogantly declared that they would destroy the Duncan Corporation within three days.

The reason they dared to make such bold statements was that they had the capital to back it up. After all, unethical actions like this were not new for the Breens.

As a formidable top-tier capital force, the Breens were infamous overseas, showcasing the sinister nature of capitalists to the fullest.

Unfortunately, even the usually unbeatable Breens seemed to be facing a Waterloo this time. They had been besieging the Duncan Corporation for two days straight, with no successful attacks and a significant capital loss.

This turn of events restored confidence in the Duncan Corporation among those who initially doubted it.

Triston was particularly curious about how Branden achieved this. Having known Branden for years, he was well aware of Branden’s prowess, but he hadn’t expected Branden to be this formidable.

Waiting until Catherine finished her meal, Branden leisurely wiped his hands with a napkin and tossed it aside.

He then responded to Triston’s question. “Because this is Eskana.”

Eskanese market to serve their capital interests-

simple statement

everywhere. We can’t care about other places, but we can’t let them get away with bullying us at our

up at Triston, a faint smile in his deep eyes,

so passionate, why not lend me some

from me?” Triston

dawned on him that he was being teased when he saw the amused expressions around

” I’m not joking.

even Aidan couldn’t believe it. “Other things might be true, but being short of money is impossible for you,

Fund, holding absolute control. Skyline Fund was

the two, a cold

but express

“Yes,” Branden grunted.

funds. They guessed this was part of Branden’s strategy. Perhaps he couldn’t use his capital at

discussing it, they responded generously, with Triston speaking on behalf

us a figure, and we’ll do our best to gather it. They knew Branden would require a

in times of need.

Branden calmly said, “Thanks.”

I never thought I’d hear Mr.

table lightened. Everyone laughed, and even the usually aloof Catherine

strong bond between Catherine

call for funds to help the Duncans would be more direct

just about to say something when Withal, who

look at him and swallowed the words that were initially on her lips. She suppressed her curiosity and decided not

full and discussions concluded,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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