Chapter 687 New Evidence

The situation between the two sides became chaotic, and Ultan finally couldn’t stand it anymore. “Enough!” he roared, and the scene immediately quieted down.

After the atmosphere calmed down a little, Ultan finally found the chance to intervene. He first glared at Marshall and reprimanded him in a cold voice. ” As a professor, you should set an example for your students. Why are you arguing with a student?”

Marshall retorted, “A student? It’s been two years since he graduated, but he still has no official title or formal employment, just lingering at the school. What’s wrong with me scolding him?”

At these words, Ultan’s face turned grim. Paddy felt extremely embarrassed and wished he could just disappear.

Ultan seemed to realize something. To Marshall, Catherine was just as important as his research projects. Any unjustified accusation of her would touch a nerve.

Ultan turned to Paddy and sternly reprimanded him. “The school’s higher authorities will investigate any leakage of data. Before the real leaker is revealed, no one should be randomly accused as a suspect. Do you know that coming here to cause a scene will result in disciplinary action?”

The threat of disciplinary action instantly made the students causing trouble panic. They had worked hard to get where they were today. What would become of their future careers if they were disciplined because of this incident? Some of them mustered the courage to plead with Ultan to let them off the hook.

“Alright, everybody stop. Considering that you all have the school’s best interests at heart, I won’t pursue this matter further this time. But if it happens again, I will not forgive anyone.”

With Ultan’s command, everyone scattered immediately, leaving the scene in a hurry.

so he left with his

gaze to Catherine. “Catherine, let’s go to the

and followed,

Ultan’s office, where he looked disdainfully at Marshall, saying, “I’m here to

talking to my student.

watching the two middle-aged men arguing, finding it quite amusing. Unlike

don’t want to talk to you!” Ultan said, then turned

news. But to his surprise, Catherine

questioning, trying not to offend Catherine. However, she seemed unconcerned about the issue. She looked at him and said casually, “I didn’t do it, and they have no evidence. How can they

rang. He gestured for Catherine and Marshall to wait before

and Catherine couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, both of them noticed that Ultan’s expression visibly darkened. It

the phone, he looked at Catherine with a very


cold as he spoke seriously, “Catherine, I’ll ask you again. Are you

thought since she wouldn’t admit to something she didn’t

sigh of relief, but the weight on his mind still hadn’t lifted.” Catherine, you’re in trouble this time. I just received news that there are suddenly five

snorted.” That’s ridiculous! Do you think Catherine will be bribed by someone with five million dollars? The Swanns don’t lack money, and

Their annual salaries were over a million dollars, so they certainly didn’t lack five million dollars. Besides, given Catherine’s family background, she had no reason

apprehended a spy from Rexinheim. According to the spy’s confession, our academy indeed has their accomplices, who were secretly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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