Chapter 690 Evil Spirits

The ringing of the phone woke Ronin from his deep sleep. He reached for his phone with an impatient expression on his face and glanced at the caller ID. After seeing who was calling, he immediately sat up and answered the phone. “Catherine, you finally decided to call me!”

Ronin was well aware of the recent events at Styre University and was very angry. Those fools dared to slander Catherine, which was simply absurd. But without Catherine’s orders, he couldn’t act on his own. He had been waiting for her call.

“Ronin, help me with something,” Catherine said coldly.

Ronin was excited. “Catherine, please command me!” He had been waiting for this opportunity for so long, so how could he miss it?

“The lab is haunted. Find out which evil spirit is causing trouble.”

Catherine’s words made Ronin feel confused. Although he had abilities, they could only be used on humans, not evil spirits. How could he handle a haunting laboratory? But he couldn’t disobey Catherine’s orders, and he couldn’t fail to accomplish them.

“Catherine, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. I’ll find the best exorcist in the world to deal with the haunting in the lab!”

“Who told you to hire an exorcist? There are no evil spirits in the world. They only lie in those evildoers.”

Upon hearing this, Ronin understood what Catherine meant. “Catherine, are you saying someone is playing tricks and causing trouble in the lab?”

“Go and find out,” Catherine said before hanging up the phone.

to change his clothes. Whether the other party was a

phone, ready to leave the procuratorate. Seeing she was about to

him and said coldly, “Don’t follow

Catherine leave with a furrowed brow. He had offended his idol; it was his fault for being so foolish as to suspect his idol of leaking the data, and he

patted his

I’ve completely offended her,” Lorcan said

smacking Lorcan’s shoulder, saying, ” Silly boy, what are

not understanding what Rian

explain it once again.

in broad daylight, and now you’re seeing her off with a respected look

face, anyone would think you have a crush on Catherine, even though she’s not interested in

a displeased look on his face. After seeing his own appearance in the mirror, he thought of

won’t be interested in me…” he

guard for a moment when she heard the sound of screeching brakes. She and the

parked at the entrance of the procuratorate. The security

turning back to the security guard, and said, See you next

out of the car and walking straight towards Catherine. He took a careful

guard turned back to his seat, preparing to rest, only

expensive brands, but they were indeed his favorite. The cigarettes had been

Lorcan took her away, Professor Hartley was definitely the most worried. He would find a way to help her, and the first person he

you say you were going to Casier?

Catherine’s well-being. His eyes were like a CT scanner, continuously checking


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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