Chapter 712 Focus on the Competition

Catherine had just finished her meal when she received a call from Marshall, asking them to gather in the hotel’s second-floor meeting room in ten minutes to discuss the details of the upcoming competition.

“Shall we go?” Catherine looked up at Amelia.

After taking the last bite of the pizza, Amelia mumbled, “Sure, coming right up!” She was too full from eating but could not waste the delicious food. Having such perks while sharing a dorm with Catherine was fantastic.

After getting ready, Catherine and Amelia headed towards the meeting room. The third floor of the hotel was a conference hall with various meeting rooms.

This hotel was the closest to the competition venue. Since the competition hadn’t started yet, the early-arriving teams had to rest in nearby hotels. Several teams from seven or eight countries were staying in this hotel.

Catherine and Amelia made their way through the crowd towards their meeting room. Catherine’s beautiful face immediately drew the attention of many.

reserved nature of Eskana, people from Ocraolia were more direct in expressing their emotions. Seeing the beautiful girls pass by, a few men

at them. The members of Marshall’s experimental team felt extremely embarrassed

wanton anywhere to attract attention. This kind of

McLaughlin, you stupid asshole!” said Eamon, glaring at

Catherine’s seniors overheard Paddy’s


them, using their bodies to shield the two from the intense gazes of

one female student. Now that two good-looking juniors had come, their seniors were

failure in the experiment was common, but it was a sign of incompetence if they couldn’t protect

saw so many foreigners. Facing different races always made her feel a little uneasy. But being protected by her seniors made her

everyone’s attention. Someone gave an exclamation of surprise, and all

aura. With their heads

don’t look like

even bothering to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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