Chapter 832 What Do You Want?

“Exercising” before going to bed really helped with sleep. Catherine had a good night’s sleep, sleeping straight through until morning without any dreams. If it weren’t for Branden waking her up in the morning, she would have been late.

As soon as Catherine entered the laboratory building, she ran into Marshall. Unlike yesterday, he seemed lively and energetic today.

“Professor Hartley,” Catherine greeted him.

Marshall warmly responded, “Hey, come on. Let’s go upstairs together.” Just as they got to his office, they heard a student delivering a message. ”

Professor Hartley, Mr. Farrell wants to see you in his office!”

Marshall had intended to chat with Catherine, but he hadn’t expected Ultan to summon him so early. Guessing it might be about a donation, Marshall had no choice but to go. “You go to the lab first, and find me at noon. We’ll talk then,” he told Catherine.

Marshall was about to leave, the student delivering the message awkwardly scratched the back of his head and said, “Professor Hartley, Mr. Farrell instructed that if

who promptly agreed to accompany him. They then walked together to Ultan’s office,

Hartley, and this is his best student, Catherine Swann. If you are familiar with our

and greeted Marshall and Catherine. ” Professor Hartley, Miss Swann, nice to

on. Catherine, showing no interest in shaking hands, kept her hands in her pockets without any intention of taking

well, stepped in to defuse the situation. Even though he didn’t think Catherine needed to greet them, considering they were brought by Ultan, he felt obliged to show Ultan some

accustomed to socializing. She is quite introverted, so please don’t mind,” Marshall said, trying

We’ve heard of Miss Swann’s reputation. It’s quite normal for someone as talented

to Ultan, urging him to explain

the Finance Manager of Reelyne Technologies. They are here today to discuss

darkened, and he had a foreboding

warm smile. “Professor Hartley, we have great respect for a distinguished professor like you. Our company has always been committed to promoting the development of experimental projects in various universities. We have long admired Styre University, and if there is an opportunity to

of Reelyne Technologies appeared humble on the surface, but there was an underlying sense of arrogance in his demeanor. When it came to sponsoring schools, it was usually the schools seeking sponsors.

of their visit, Catherine stood up. “Mr. Farrell, Professor Hartley, it’s time for

Not only did she leave the two representatives from Reelyne Technologies dumbfounded, but even

fixed on Ultan. “Mr. Farrell, Catherine’s experiment is crucial

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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