Chapter 834 Winston’s Biggest Weakness

Ronin grabbed Flash’s collar, glaring at him angrily. “I said, don’t touch Professor Warner, and I mean it!”

The atmosphere in the room became tense in an instant. Despite Ronin’s anger, Flash, remained composed, pressing on, “Give me a reason!”

This was Flash’s territory; Ronin was merely a prisoner in captivity. The only reason Flash hadn’t laid hands on Ronin was because Ronin had some use left. But that didn’t mean Ronin could do as he pleased. Once Flash found Ronin’s value insufficient, he would get rid of Ronin.

Ronin gritted his teeth and glared at Flash, but he didn’t voice his reason.

Flash didn’t press him further. Instead, he stood up, preparing to leave. ”

Ronin, you may have been enjoying yourself these days, but don’t forget your current situation. Who we target is not for you to decide!”

Faced with Flash’s threat, Ronin retorted, “Even if you capture Professor Warner, you won’t be able to access the core data if I don’t cooperate.

Winston was an expert, but he couldn’t crack Catherine’s security system. The only person in the world who could do that was Ronin, because he was personally trained by Catherine.

Flash coldly stared at Ronin, his gaze conveying a silent challenge.

Ronin chose to give in. He had to submit for the sake of Winston. “You want to know the reason? Fine, I’ll tell you,” he said, causing Flash to give up on leaving. Flash sat back down, looking at Ronin expressionlessly, waiting for the explanation.

he has been

better,” Flash retorted, thinking it was a pure

one is more important to me than Catherine. My betrayal only caused her to lose an experimental project. Even if it’s important, it’s just an experiment after all. You don’t understand how amazing she is. I believe she will soon solve the problem. But Professor Warner is different. If you capture him, he will die! He’s the ‘kind of person who would rather die than submit. That’s my reason,” Ronin

and left. This time, Ronin didn’t stop him, waiting

fell. Winston, who was sound asleep, was suddenly awakened by a phone call. He glanced at the caller ID, got up to answer the phone, then tiptoed out of bed and opened the front door.

next moment, a shadow fell over him. Winston immediately went limp and

and everything seemed to return to its previous calm state. Everything remained silent as

to the lab. The certification deadline was approaching. If it hadn’t

brow and busy with work, Catherine stepped forward to offer her help. “Is it a busy day today?”

but he wouldn’t listen. He fell ill last night and took a few days off. Now, all his work

there was also a hint of concern in Marshall’s voice. He knew Winston’s personality well. If Winston hadn’t been seriously ill, he wouldn’t have left his work to Marshall. Marshall behaved as if he was complaining, but in fact, he was just doing

help you,”

this. I’ve organized the work, and I’ll call a few students to

Catherine didn’t insist, returning to the lab alone. As soon as she arrived, she received

to collaborate with the Breens

hanging up and continuing with her experiments, completely focused as

spy in Catherine’s lab. While they couldn’t access her exclusive laboratory, they could


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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