Chapter 974 Bad Guys

“You’ve seen them. Now, what about my end of the deal?” the captor urged, their worry about Catherine’s potential backup increasing the tension.

But Catherine didn’t budge or utter a word, her silence and powerful aura ensuring no one dared to lay a finger on Thomas and Sccot under her watchful eyes.

Time ticked away, and with Catherine still making no move, the captor, driven by impatience, activated the timers on Thomas and Scott’s chests.

“You have five minutes, Catherine. Give me the list, and I’ll let them go,” the captor declared with a smug look, watching Catherine intently.

But Thomas and Scott, far from pleading, seemed prepared to face death rather than compromise Catherine’s safety.

In a dramatic turn, Thomas feigned a seizure, spitting blood, causing immediate chaos among the guards who quickly removed his gag, desperate not to let him die before the list was secured.

Once free to speak, Scott pleaded with urgency, “Release my grandfather! He has a heart condition. Your bomb has terrified him. Without immediate medical attention, he’ll die.”

The guards, thrown into a dilemma, sought instructions from their leader. The captor, scrutinizing Catherine, saw genuine concern behind her icy facade, though doubt lingered.

“But Thomas is a renowned doctor. How could he not know of his own condition?” the captor questioned.

Scott retorted with disdain, “Ever heard ‘He that is fallen cannot help him that is down.’? Plus, do you think being a skilled doctor makes one immortal?”

Despite Scott’s biting comeback, the captor remained unmoved, putting Catherine in a tight spot. “It’s your call, Catherine. Ambulance or watch Thomas die. He’s been nothing but kind to you. Can you really let the Parkers suffer over a list and outsiders?

Catherine demanded, “Give me a laptop.”

silently gloating over her perceived victory, thought, “Once I have the list, Catherine, the

order was given, and

“Don’t get clever. We’re watching your every move on this laptop.

a look of utter disdain. “Save your

was at a loss. Without the

over the keyboard, lines of code scrolling rapidly on the screen. The speed was so fast it left the overseer

of the Hacker Alliance’s database and retrieved the concealed list

list. Now let them go,” Catherine firmly

chuckled, thinking the real

quickly defused, and their restraints were removed. They both rushed to Catherine’s

Catherine asked, checking

Thomas replied,

the exit, the once-open door slammed shut, enveloping them in an

hand, urged, “Make sure you’re safe above all. If need be, forget about me or Scott, just

Catherine. If things go south,

hands tightly, reassured them with confidence. ” Relax, I’m getting us out.

laugh. “Really think you can walk

your skills, you might find

Catherine looked up defiantly. “Selene, is that

by Catherine, stood frozen for a moment. Despite Catherine’s

Catherine.” Selene arrogantly announced, convinced of her imminent victory as she

onslaught, Catherine and Scott positioned

I had known about the pregnancy earlier, I’d have rather died

out,” Scott said,

shoulder, Catherine reassured Scott with a

Catherine proclaimed to these killers.

The battle was imminent.

of skilled fighters surged towards Catherine and Scott,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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