Chapter 982 It’s Hard to Go Out

Catherine thought that everyone was just joking about supervising her to rest at home, but she didn’t expect them to be very serious about it.

Ronin and the others were more diligent in supervising her to rest properly than in completing the tasks they had taken on.

After breakfast, Catherine had thought of going to the lab for a walk but was stopped by Karl. “Catherine, why don’t you stay home today? Branden will be back later. I asked him to come back and take a walk with you.”

Catherine smiled helplessly. Branden was at least the president of a listed group, but in Karl’s eyes, he was just like a tool who had to go back from time to time to accompany her to take a walk or something else. “Mr. Karl, Branden still has a lot of things to do in the company.”

In front of Catherine, Karl could be amiable, but he was only amiable in front of Catherine alone.

At the mention of Branden, Karl’s face immediately darkened a bit. “Hmph, how busy can he be? What can be more important than you? I think he’s just doing nothing serious. Can’t those people he hired do anything? Can’t the company run without him?”

Facing Karl’s rising anger, Catherine chose to avoid it. She silently shut up and didn’t continue.

It didn’t take long for Ronin to arrive. ” Ronin, think of a way to get me out of here.”

Ronin looked at Catherine with an embarrassed look on his face. ”

Catherine, why don’t you just stay home? Mr. Theo said it’s best if you stay in your bed for the week. Don’t mess around.”

Ronin was now Thomas’ biggest fan. He did everything Thomas asked.

Catherine gave him a cold glance, which frightened Ronin and made him tremble. She begged Catherine with a mournful expression. “Catherine, don’t make things difficult for me.”


Catherine’s words, Ronin’s blood

stop Catherine if she wanted to go out. No matter how Catherine went

and there was a high probability that accidents would not

to agree. Instead of letting Catherine go out an unusual way, it would be better for him to step in and help her. “Don’t be

eyes and smiled, with a hint of

pouted helplessly. In the end, he was the one who had to bear all of this.

swaggered out of the apartment. The guards of the Duncan noticed it from

other, but

are going to persuade Miss Swann? What if something happens

how to blame us. Why

think we’d better

safety was now the priority of the Duncans and nothing was

the Duncan

to attend were among the business elites, and they were all listening intently to the

ringtone broke

so bold as to dare to leave their cell phones on in such an important

his cell phone from his pocket. His originally serious and cold expression

he stood up and said to the crowd, “You guys

the meeting room, leaving all

people left behind looked at each other in disbelief, not knowing what had happened

silently taking the minutes of the meeting, was sighing. Judging from Branden’s appearance, he knew without even thinking that it must be

could make

was happy, and everyone in the Duncans was also excited. So, it was okay

instantly energized. “Continue the meeting. I’ll do

the apartment without incident

air outside was fresh, and everything was so

building only to find that her work permit couldn’t open

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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