Alpha Asher novel By Jane Doe chapter 9
The others were quick to respond as one of our own had been found.

I couldn’t peel my eyes away from Katie’s glassy stare, even when Mason’s gentle hand turned me from her body.

We had shifted into human form after alerting the others, pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants that were stashed in the forest.

“Don’t look at her, Lola.” Mason murmured, his typical care-free expression was absent from his face.

“Could a wolf have done this?” Maya mused in my head.

I shook my head in response, “It’s possible. It takes incredible skill to cover your scent like that.”

I could feel my heart hammering in my chest, and the cool night time breeze felt sharp against my skin.

As awful as it sounds, I had grown used to blocking things from my mind. While Katie’s glassy stare would surely haunt my dreams, I pushed the image from my conscious mind.

Alpha Asher and his men had taken a total of six minutes to arrive in the clearing.

Asher looked delectable in his loose fitting shorts, his bare chest absorbing the moon light and taking on a porcelain glow. As much as my mind wanted to linger on Asher and find some semblance of peace, there was business to attend to.

“He brought a lot of men with him.” Maya pointed out that interesting fact.

I frowned, “Kind of strange, isn’t it?”

There had to be at least fifteen men that followed Asher into the clearing. Far too many men for what looked like a simple rogue attack.

A man I hadn’t met before approached Mason and I while Asher looked over Katie’s lifeless body.

The unnamed man was nearly as intimidating as Asher himself, but he lacked the powerful aura that Asher seemed to constantly exude.

“Beta Drake.” Mason murmured, nodding his head in an act of respect.

Beta Drake was the man mentioned when I first arrived at the pack boarders. No wonder Sean was in such a sour mood when I finally arrived home. Asher had no need for another Beta when he had one of his own. Sean had essentially been stripped of his title, a title my family had held for years.

Beta Drake had the same extremely large build all of Asher’s men had, as if giant blood ran in their family. A long scar ran down the side of his neck, disappearing under the t-shirt he wore. His hair was a strange shade of ash blonde and reached down to his ears.

“Tell me tonight’s events leading up to the discovery of the she-wolf.” Beta Drake spoke in a very informal tone, “Do not leave anything out.”

Mason glanced at me, and with reluctance I began to speak.

I kept my hammering heart under control, determined to keep my wandering eyes away from Katie’s body. The last thing I needed was to lose what tight grip I had on my emotions.

Much to my surprise, my voice came out calm and steady. The turmoil I was feeling inside didn’t rear it’s ugly head.

Mason chimed in here and there, confirming my account of tonight’s events.

Asher hadn’t approached the two of us, nor spared us a glance as we left from the clearing.

Mason, kind as always, walked me home in silence.

“First night of patrol and this happens.” Mason shook his head, a frown forming on his pale lips.

I scoffed, but the action was filled with exhaustion. “Not a very good sign, is it?”

Mason shook his head, “Not at all.”

“There were too many of Asher’s men there tonight for it to be a simple rogue attack.” I pursed my lips, the gears in my mind turning.

“You think so?” Mason’s head tilted slightly as my words sunk in.

I shrugged, “Fifteen men seems like an awful lot. Rogue attacks happen sometimes, but tonight seemed different.”

“I think we both need some sleep. Try not to think about it too much.” Mason frowned as we stood on the stairs to my house, “I’ll see you for training tomorrow, right?”

I rolled my eyes, gaining some of my sarcastic humor back. “Like Alpha Asher would let me miss training.”

but it was one that took effort to maintain.

waved Mason off and

was home, but Grandma and Dad sat in the living room. From the looks of it, they were having a hushed conversation between themselves. I couldn’t make out any of the words exchanged between the two of them, but the one

two people who don’t wanna be overheard.” Maya

what they were talking

heads snapped to the door as I walked in, and

something happened tonight at patrol.” Dad

my arms, “A girl was found dead. Looks like a rogue

“I don’t want you out running patrol

from, but I also

that won’t happen, Dad.” I frowned,

losing you or Sean.” Dad growled, running a hand through his salt

to head to bed. “Alpha Asher would never allow that. He can’t let half the people in town stop

on this.” Dad grimaced, but I had already had

run again. I’m back now, and I can

exhaustion that tinged my words had faded, leaving behind something else. A sense of power and authority filled me, one that didn’t

feel the strange waves rolling

a few moments the strange sensation subsided leaving me feeling drained and somewhat

the hell was that?” Maya sounded just

limbs feeling heavy. “All

still stood with his jaw clenched

mumbled, trudging up the

night had been effortless, and I made sure to set an

Her glassy green eyes were burned into my head, along

felt so real, and I had almost mistaken it for reality. It was one detail that stood out, it reminded me this wasn’t reality.

hindered my sleep, I felt refreshed

bed and slipped on a black sports bra and a pair of workout shorts. Slipping my long hair into a pony tail and my

Grandma stood in the kitchen flipping something in a pan. The sticky

see.” Grandma turned and flashed me a cheeky

at my Grandma and grabbed a water from the fridge, “Very funny, but yes

would show up to torment you some more.” Grandma smirked,

“Certainly didn’t feel

I scolded her, pushing my strange attraction to Asher

attention to the steaming pancakes she had set on a plate, ignoring the light

the plate of pancakes

shook her head and sat down, a cup of

frowned, “He

sighed, “I didn’t want to upset

he’s not upset with you, dear.” Grandma gave me a

raised my

Dad is much too stubborn to admit that, but a mother

wouldn’t say that’s how you know, Grandma. You’ve always been too

I can agree with.” Grandma

to the pack house with Breyona and Mason at

was light, but not as carefree as I had hoped for. Death lingered in the air, the

keep this

only imagine how Katie’s

head, her short hair shifting. “Alpha Asher

a good

Breyona and I threw our change of clothes in the lockers and headed out to the

kicked today, shorty?” Mason snickered,

and turned to him, my fists raised. “Bring it on. You

“I bet you I’ll get at least one

I poked my tongue out, jabbing one of

filled the room and I knew without looking that he had

they darkened

other as Mason looked down at

looks irritable.” Mason whispered lowly in my ear and I fought to keep a smile from playing on my

he?” I giggled, keeping my voice low

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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