Chapter 9 Attack


When I entered my son’s room, I half-expected him to be awake, but he was

fast asleep.

He had his arms wrapped around his favorite teddy bear, Teddy, and for a moment, I didn’t want to wake him up. He seemed so peaceful, and I was about to put him through so much stress.

But not as much as I would be if we went to Anemond.

So, I leaned down and gently touched his arm.

“Finnick,” I whispered, and when he didn’t rouse, I said his name again. After a moment, his nose crinkled and his eyes blinked open.

“Mommy?” he said, and he yawned lightly.

“Sorry to wake you, baby,” I said, and I gave him my most apologetic smile. “We have to go.”

“Go?” he repeated back in a confused voice. “Go where?”

“I’ll tell you on the way there,” I explained. “For now, we just need to get ready,


Finnick nodded, though his gray eyes were concerned. I pulled the covers aside and helped him down. We walked over to the closet, and we got him dressed.

After I zipped up his jacket, I picked out a couple of fresh sets of clothes and packed them in a small backpack.

“Put this on,” I instructed him.

“Can Teddy come?” he asked hopefully, and he glanced over at the stuffed bear he’d left on the bed. I studied the toy carefully. We were running low on room, but Teddy was his favorite toy. I couldn’t ask him to leave it behind when I was already asking so much of him.

we have to put him in

Teddy in his bag, and once he was secure it was time for

after we were fully dressed, I did a quick scan of the house. It seemed like I had remembered everything we needed. I glanced at the clock. It was time

into my arms and held him

tight, baby,” I said, and I wrapped my jacket around


out of the house and

to light our way. I glanced around and made sure we were alone. Luckily, everyone else seemed to be asleep. I held Finnick tight and then took off toward the


let out

forest, Mommy?” he asked, and his tone was painted with

know you don’t like it. But

he pressed. I considered

before,” I decided. “The man we saw today. He’s very bad and very dangerous. So we have to go somewhere to keep us

Asher Collins wasn’t a good man, especially

had done to

Finnick didn’t reply, I asked him the question I know he didn’t

firmly. “I’m not afraid. Let’s leave. I’ll protect you. I can walk-”

tried to wiggle in my arms. “Not before we pass the sentinels. Just stay here for right

son closer to my chest, and

It was for the best. Finnick would have been fine on foot, but there was a short interval


quickened my pace and kept walking.

guards. around. I let out a sigh of relief and then walked straight into the

set Finnick down and reached into my pack. I’d brought a flashlight, a compass, and a knife with me. Retrieved them all, and after I put the

navigator, but I knew enough to get us through. We needed to avoid the forbidden section of the forest, so I had to find us a shortcut that would get us out of Wegalla, If I

wits about me and keep us from making too many sounds or running into any predators.. Luckily for us, my father had taught me how

was his first time entering the forest, and I could tell he was scared because his palms were wet. I felt pangs of guilt go. through me. Putting Finnick in this much danger wasn’t fair, but I had no other choice. I couldn’t let the nightmares of Anemond come back to me, not

began our walk through the forest.

to speak. We continued on for an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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