Chapter 17 Healer’s fear


Once the healer left, I leaned back in the armchair in Alpha Gareth’s meeting room and released a sigh. My head was aching, as if I had a million hammers, pounding at it at once. I pinched the bridge of my nose between my fingers.

It was difficult to say whether the headache was from the mysterious disease worsening or the lack of sleep. I barely got a full night’s rest these days, and it was, beginning to take its toll on my entire body. It was simply too difficult to rest when there was so much plaguing my mind.

And now, there was someone else to consider, someone I couldn’t get out of my


Cas sandra Keller.

Even though she was gone, her name ran circles in my mind, over and over, as if it were a song rather than a name.

Ca ssandra Keller, a nobody healer from a long-forgotten Pack on the border of


Over the past few conversations I’d held with her, I knew there was something special about her, something weirdly familiar that drew me in in unexplainable ways. As much as I wanted to dismiss those feelings, I knew they couldn’t be ignored.

Had I heard her name before? Or known someone with a similar one? Was her face similar to one I’d seen before? I couldn’t place it anywhere in my memory, but perhaps she just reminded me of another subject… It was so hard to say.

Either way, I couldn’t figure it out.

Deep down, I knew there was no need to bring the girl all the way to Anemond with me. My son was nearly healed from his encounter with the viper and was going

to make a full recovery. And she had been right- she could easily conduct her research here and report her findings to me in the capital city.

But I wanted her to come with me.

dark green eyes, and her full lips… even her petite, lovely figure drew me in. Since yesterday, I’d fantasized about the way her slender hips curved and how much I wanted to place

like this in years. In fact, I hadn’t taken any interest in any woman after Cora had

about this woman that I couldn’t get out


was one of the few I actually trusted. Despite being the king of the realm, there were few I

bodyguard since I was very young, and

Lancel,” I called out. Moments later, the door opened, and Lancel entered. He was an older man of nearly fifty, with deep-set blue eyes, and hair that had turned prematurely white. He was broad and muscular and reminded

he crossed the empty room, he stopped in

healer’s bags are all packed,” he reported.

my guards to Ca ssandra Keller’s house to pack her belongings while we spoke, so she wouldn’t have a chance to escape

suspicious?” I wondered, and I pinched my nose again as my head continued

a letter we found on the kitchen table,” Lancel

before she fled to the forest.”

I asked, and my eyes flew open. “Have you

read it?”

suspicious if even Lancel found it

this Pack for good. She planned to leave her clinic to

repeated back. “I’m not surprised.”

lowered his voice slightly. “There’s something

I frowned. “Really?”

may be reading into the

afraid of Anemond.”

I repeated

guard nodded.

rose up from

she’s afraid of Anemond, Lancel, “I noted, and I rested back into the seat. “She’s afraid she

felt foolproof, yet Lancel didn’t seem

yes, Alpha,” he said. “But that’s

your piece, Lancel,” I urged, and I released a sigh. With my head pounding as severely as it was, I needed rest, and my guard was taking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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