Chapter 73 Dangerous basement


Asher’s gray eyes darkened instantly and his nostrils flared.

“Absolutely not,” he growled. “No, Ca ssandra. We’ll find another resolution. There’s no way I will allow you to set foot in the viper pit.”

“Your Majesty, we’re running out of time,” I insisted, “We need to find out what’s going on down there.”

need you here to treat the guards,” Asher said, but I shook my head.

“Becky is here and she’s more than capable of handling it while I’m gone,” I


The Alpha King ran a hand through his dark hair and shook his head.

“There has to be someone else,” he murmured. “Anyone else.”

“There’s not,” I said firmly. “You heard your men. Every guard you have at your disposal is too strong and large to make it down that corridor. I’m not. If the size he indicated is accurate, I should have no issue making it down there. Besides, I’m the best choice anyway. I know the vipers well. I’ve been studying them for years and I know how to protect myself.”

Asher shook his head again. “Ca ssandra-”

“Please, Your Majesty,” I pleaded. “Please let me do this. If not for you, then for the rest of the guards. I need to know what we’re going up against if we’re going to get everyone out of here alive.”

Emmett’s words ran through my mind. Lcouldn’t let my patients die in front of me. It was my duty as a healer to do anything in my power to save them. It was my responsibility.

“Your Majesty, the healer might be right,” the leader said gently. “She seems of proper size, and from what I’ve seen and heard, we need to act fast. We need to know what we’re up against.”

Asher’s nostrils flared, and for a moment, I thought he was going to roar at the both of us for defying his decree. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his


Asher opened them again

said quietly.

“She’ll need a suit and a mask. I won’t have her go

he offered a salute, he approached his team and gave the

the suit.

guards to return, I continued working on my patients. One, an elderly gentleman, had lost all of the

I wiped the sweat from his brow with a

whispered. “Thank you, Healer Ca ssandra.”

tears as I studied him. I knew I

guards returned soon with the suit. It was a little dated and worn, but much to my surprise, it fit me like a glove. I tucked my hair

“Everything you

ssy,” Becky urged


on, I glanced at Asher. The color had drained from his face and his

soon, Your Majesty,”

urged, and then he softened

on his lips and I wanted to run into his arms. But

escorted me over to the stairs. After

long deep breath, slipped my mask on, opened the basement door, and stepped

onto the stairs.

me wanted

I reached the bottom, I spied the narrow corridor. Sure enough, it was a tight space. It was unsurprising that the guards couldn’t make

deep breath as I lingered. It was now

I held my breath as I walked through spiderwebs. I wanted to crawl out of my skin as they tangled around me, but I managed to keep myself calm. This corridor was beyond disgusting. This house had been abandoned

narrow corridor, the space opened up, and I could breathe a little better. I stretched a bit, but relief turned to fear.


I began to panic. Danger could be lurking in any corner.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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