Chapter 84 Her plan


“Your Majesty, I think the intruder could be the same man from the basement,” Ca ssandra explained from the far side of the room.

After the healer had announced her theory in the library, I’d asked her to speak with me privately back in my study. I didn’t want to further trouble the librarian, who was already completely on edge or give the other guards further reason to panic.

If the intruder was amongst the guards as we suspected, I also didn’t see any reason to reveal too much information to the ones present in the library. I wasn’t sure who I could trust these days, apparently, so I assigned the ones who’d investigated the trashed room to clean up for the librarian.

So now, it was just Ca ssandra and I alone together in the study. As she explained her train of thought, I couldn’t help but admire her intelligence. Not only was she incredibly beautiful, but she was very smart, and I liked it.

Cora had been highly intelligent too. It was one of the traits I loved the most.

about her.

I forced myself to shove aside thoughts of Cora and return to the present.

“Go on,” I encouraged her.

Ca ssandra cleared her throat. “The book and the box in the library were both taken and tampered with right after we discovered all of that stuff in the basement. I think it’s too strong of a coincidence. The man might be monitoring us.”

“Interesting theory,” I murmured as I considered the idea. “So, how do you suggest we ‘lure’ him out as you suggested in the library?”

The healer’s cheeks flushed scarlet.


walked closer to where I was sit “Since we caught the vipers and found his hidden lair, I’m sure the man is curious to know if we’ve figured out the different types of venom. I was thinking that we could exploit that curiosity. Maybe we spread the information that

emergency meeting,” I

nodded. “Yes. I think the idea of an emergency meeting to share our findings would be enough

trap,” I clarified. “We’re goading him out into

nodded again. “Yes. It’s just an idea. I have no idea if something like that would actually work. The man could be a lot more cautious this time around. He might not fall

moment as I mulled over the idea. It was undeniable that this plan was well-thought-out and considered. Ca ssandra was smarter and craftier than I gave her credit for. We could set the trap with little difficulty or effort and still craft a way to check up on all of the guards in the meantime.

all of this to only the guards you can

think there’s a chance

see why not. I’d like to think the threat isn’t that large, but based on all of our evidence… I would rather us be

I nodded.

needs to be reinforced,” she said. “Maybe add

it personally. I think he could handle it.

to get

stopped as the realization hit me. Ca ssandra stared at me with a look of confusion until finally, her eyes widened and


back. She began to pace and I felt a knot form in my stomach.

had already tried to take her away before. It made sense to me that it would be easier for him to try to get the answers directly from her rather than try to infiltrate a heavily guarded lab. Ca ssandra was known to be the best new healer in Merliscire. She was

deep breath and then turned back to face me.

held her head high. “I know it’s risky… but the guards you assigned to me are never too far

of you,” I stated slowly as I stared into her eyes. “In fact, this is highly dangerous. You know that,

know the risks, Your Majesty. But if we don’t find the intruder quickly and figure out what he’s up to… all of Wegalla could be in danger. Sorcery is nothing to make light of. We don’t know what he’s planning. You and I have seen for ourselves how lethal those vipers can be. If


in my mind. This was so much to consider and I didn’t know what

you to take the risk?” I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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