Chapter 86 Someone tried to poison her


A lump formed in my throat and my heart began to race as I stood frozen in the doorway. Beyond the table, Erika gave me an apologetic expression and mouthed the word “sorry”. I could tell she felt bad that they were there, but I knew it wasn’t her fault. Erika couldn’t stop the Alpha King’s wife and son from entering even if she wanted to.

Adalyn continued to stare at me coldly, and Erika hustled to my side.

“Erika, could you please prepare some tea?” I asked her quietly. “In the meantime, I’ll deal with Lady Adalyn.”

“Are you sure, Ca ssandra?” the maid replied, and her eyes widened. “I can stay-”

“I can do this,” I insisted. “Please leave us.”

Erika nodded and then slipped away to make the tea. Once she was gone, I turned to Lancel.

“Could you grant Lady Adalyna and me some privacy?” I requested, but the older man didn’t seem too keen on the idea.

“I’ll be right here,” he said curtly, and he crossed his arms against his chest. Frustration swelled within me, and I released a sigh. There was no use fighting him. He was under the service of the Alpha King, not me, a lowly healer. I was in no position to be giving orders.

“Fine,” I remarked, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I’d deal with Lancel later. For now, I needed to figure out how I was going to handle this visit with Adalyn. She had nefarious intentions, I was sure of it.

If our last encounter in the laboratory was any indication, I would need to keep

my wits about me if I wanted to survive.

I approached the table and bowed my head politely.

“Lady Adalyn,” I greeted Asher’s wife. “And Prince Marco. So sorry to keep you waiting. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

her body perfectly. She was so devastatingly beautiful that I could hardly stand it. “So glad you

eyebrows knitted together in



happening. In any other circumstance, I would have

her tone seemed

sure what kind of tricks she was trying to play this time, but with everything going on presently, I

carefully. “That means a lot to me. I appreciate your apology greatly and hope we can

a little annoyed at my response. She stared at me

a seat. There’s

said, and it took all of my effort to keep from narrowing my eyes in disbelief.

and get her out of this room. “You are most gracious, Lady Adalyn.”

took a seat at the table and folded my hands in my lap politely. All of the lessons of etiquette I’d ever been

and she peered around the room. “Where is your darling son? My Marco wanted to play with him since he hasn’t been “Where is your darling son? M attending

I could tell there was some truth to Adalyn’s words. Marco seemed a little sad and kept glancing around at Finnick’s toys. I was a little shocked. I didn’t think the young prince cared much for

my son.

by someone else,” I explained. “Temporarily, of course. I’m sure

stu pid,” Marco quipped softly.

widened. “That was very unkind! Apologize to Healer Ca ssandra right

cheeks flushed scarlet and his eyes fell to the

as the child annoyed me, I couldn’t hold his bad behavior against him. His mother didn’t set the best of examples, after all, and he was just a young boy. Hopefully, he

days, if you don’t mind my asking?” Adalyn addressed me, and

for visiting. Adalyn thought she was being sneaky and clever about it, but her true motives were incredibly transparent. She knew very well that I had my hands full with the viper situation. Everyone in the palace knew for that matter. She’d likely heard the news going

meeting and wanted to get an

conducting research about the vipers, Lady Adalyn,”

tray. She offered an apologetic look. as she walked in, and wordlessly, she began to set the table for us. As she arranged the teapot, cups,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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