Chapter 90 Alpha King’s weak spot


Oliver had been trying to kill the man. Of that, I was certain.

I narrowed my eyes and studied my father-in-law, who was now checking on Adalyn with his wife beside him. Linda was sobbing but gave Ca ssandra the space to fully examine her daughter. Meanwhile, Oliver’s normally stoic face was even

more stern than usual.

Once I gave the order to bring her to the royal healers and Ca ssandra deemed her ready to be moved, the guards swept Adalyn up off of the ground.”

I watched the Beta family follow the guards out of the corridor, and once they were gone, I considered Oliver’s actions.

The way the events had all unfolded was very suspicious, to say the least. Oliver hadn’t seemed even a little worried about Adalyn when he’d stepped forward to attack the imposter, nor had he waited for my orders. If I hadn’t interfered at the last moment, the Beta would have killed the man and kept us from getting the answers we so desperately needed.

Curious. It was all so curious.

I pondered it for a moment and then turned back to the imposter. I would deal with Oliver’s insolence later. For now, I needed to deal with this criminal.

Though he’d been shackled, Lancel maintained a strong grip around the imposter. I stepped forward and finally got a good look at the man.

I’d expected someone like him to look more ragged and haggard, but much to my surprise, he was immaculately groomed. His light brown eyes were clear and laser-focused and his black hair had been brushed back away from his face. His cheekbones were high, but not hollow, and there was no sign of stubble or dark circles. In fact, he appeared to be quite well-rested. I supposed he could be


considered handsome, if it weren’t for the cruel sneer on his otherwise nice-looking


Whoever he was, he was well taken care of.

The imposter gave me a look of amusement as I stood before him.

me. “You’re far

that supposed to flatter me?” I

point, I’m little more than dead meat, but I have a

but I wasn’t having it. Instead, I turned to



I ordered.

I half-expected the imposter to put up a fight, but he didn’t make any fuss. He was a strange one, that was certain, and I was relieved when he was out

I pinched the bridge of my nose and then took a deep

to your chambers,” I ordered loudly. “Clear the corridors and keep to yourselves while we sort

my relief,

and I left

reached out and gently grabbed her arm. She stopped in place and looked up at me. Her already fair complexion was ghostly white, and she


She nodded lightly.

each other for a moment until she finally spoke

listen to what you have to say to the man?” she

to bring her with

risk her getting

best for you to go back to your chamber,” I advised gently. “The imposter was pretty insistent about

understand,” she said, but she didn’t seem too thrilled by my explanation. Again, she fell quiet, and a moment later, she gave me a polite smile. “Just

smiled back. “I will.”

as she started walking, I called out to her.

escort you back

her head. “I’ll be okay, Your Majesty. I can handle myself just fine. I don’t think the imposter has any accomplices here in the palace. Besides, I think it would be best for you to deal with him right

I nodded. “Okay.”

but I wished she would let me walk her back. I knew she

Keller was a

was my turn to handle things.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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